== TABLE 205a ==

Resources of Pakistan

Provinces  Area  Population  Revenues/1/
N.-W.F. P.  13,518  2,425,003  1,90,11,842 
Punjab  91,919  23,551,210  12,53,87,730 
Sind  46,378  3,887,070  9,56,76,269 
Baluchistan  54,228  420,648  -- 
Bengal  82,955  50,000,000  36,55,62,485 
Total  288,998  80,283,931  60,56,38,326 


/1/ Revenues include revenue raised both by Provincial Government in the Provinces from provincial sources and by the Central Government from Central revenues.


== TABLE 205b ==

Resources of Hindustan

Provinces  Area  Population  Revenues/2/
Ajmer-Merwara 2,711 560,292 21,00,000
Assam 55,014 8,622,251 4,46,04,441
Bihar 69,348 32,371,434 6,78,21,588
Bombay 77,271 18,000,000 34,98,03,800
C. P. & Berar 99,957 15,507,723 4,58,83,962
Coorg 1,593 163,327 11,00,000
Delhi 573 636,246 70,00,000
Madras 142,277 46,000,000 25,66,71,265
Orissa 32,695 8,043,681 87,67,269
U.P. 206,248 48,408,763 16,85,52,881
Total 607,657 178,513,919 96,24,05,206


/2/ Revenues include revenue raised both by Provincial Government in the Provinces from provincial sources and by the Central Government from Central revenues.

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