Münster on France-- maps, views, sights (many with modern hand-coloring)

== *map of France* (1574)
== *map of ancient France* (1578)
== *map of ancient France* (1600)
== *map of France* (1600): *northwest*; *northeast*; *southwest*; *southeast*
== *map of ancient France* (1628)

== *Arles* (1600); *a closer view*
== *Arras, in Artois* (1600)
== *Besancon* (1600): *upper left*; *upper central*; *central*; *lower left*; *lower right*
== *Bordeaux* (1600); *detail 1*; *detail 2*; *detail 3*
== *Calais* (1600)
== *Colmar, Alsace* (1628)
== *Etampes* (1600)
== *La Rochelle* (1600); *a detail*
== *Lyon* (1600); *a closer view*
== *Montpellier* (1600): *left*; *center*; *right*
== *Orange* (1600)
== *Perpignon* (1600)
== *Poitiers* (1600)
== *Rufach, Alsace* (1574)
== *Rufach, Alsace* (1600): *left*; *center*; *right*; *detail 1*; *detail 2*
== *Salins-les-Bains* (1600); *a closer view*
== *Selestat* (1574)
== *Selestat, Alsace* (1600): *left*; *right*; *decorative title*
== *Tours* (1600); *a closer view*; *a detail*
== *Wissembourg, Alsace* (1600); *a detail*

== *Bourges under attack* (1600); *a closer view*
== *a castle on fire, being invaded* (1600)
== *Charlemagne* (1552)
== *Chartres under attack* (1600); *a closer view*
== *gladiators fighting in Roman times in Nimes* (1682)
==   mining in Bergbau, Alsace: four views: *one*; *two*; *three*; *four*
==   more mining in Bergbau: two views: *view one*; *a closer view*; *view two*; *a closer view*
== *smelting in Bergbau* (1600)
== *a monster threatens* (1600)
== *religious persecution in France* (1600); *a closer view*
== *religious persecution in France (2)* (1600); *a closer view*
== *religious persecution in France (3)* (1600); *a closer view*
== *the battle of St. Quintin, Picardy* (1577)
== *the battle of St. Quintin, Picardy* (1600): *upper right*; *center*; *lower left*; *lower right*

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