[why a chronological order for the
poetry of Ghalib?] == 17-26
== kalām-e ġhālib kī tārīḳhī tartīb kyūñ
[introduction] == 27-32 == taʿāruf
[Ghalib's earliest Urdu verse] ==
33-40 == ġhālib kā avvalīn urdū manz̤ūm kalām
*pp. 41-76*
[mention of Ghalib in the 'umdah-e muntakhabah]
== 41-50 == ʿumdah-e
muntaḳhabah meñ żikr-e ġhālib
[doubtful verses] == 51-64 == ḥarf-e nā-muʿtabar
[the date of composition of some unfamiliar Urdu verses of Ghalib ==
65-70 == ġhālib ke baʿẓ ġhair-mutadāval urdū
ashʿār kā zamānah-e fikr
[some occasional lines and verses of Ghalib's] == 71-76 == ġhālib ke kuchh hangāmī miṣrʿe aur shiʿr
[the divan of Ghalib,
the first publication] == 77-85 == dīvān-e
ġhālib t̤abʿ-e avval
[the publication of the divan of Ghalib during Ghalib's lifetime] ==
86-99 == ġhālib kī zindagī meñ dīvān-e ġhālib
kī ishāʿat
[a timeline of Ghalib's life] ==
tauqīt-e ġhālib
[verses cited in two tazkirahs, by Surur and Zaka] ==
129-138 == ʿumdah-e
muntaḳhabah , ʿayār ul-shuʾarā
[verses 1813-16 from the Bhopal manuscript, in
Ghalib's handwriting, 1816; with the refrain alif] ==
139-169 == nusḳhah-e bhopāl , baḳhat̤t̤-e ġhālib , radīf alif
textual error: {28,3x}
[verses 1813-16 from
the Bhopal manuscript, in Ghalib's handwriting, 1816;
with the refrains be through miim] == 139-169
== nusḳhah-e bhopāl , baḳhat̤t̤-e ġhālib , radīf be se mīm tak
[verses 1813-16 from
the Bhopal manuscript, in Ghalib's handwriting, 1816;
with the refrains nuun through he] == 202-2259 == nusḳhah-e
bhopāl , baḳhat̤t̤-e ġhālib , radīf
nūn se he tak
[verses 1813-16 from
the Bhopal manuscript, in Ghalib's handwriting, 1816;
with the refrain ye] == 225-292 == nusḳhah-e
bhopāl , baḳhat̤t̤-e ġhālib , radīf
[marginalia in
the Bhopal manuscript] == 293-352 == ḥāshiyah-e
nusḳhah-e bhopāl
[additions at the end of the Hamidiyah manuscript,
1822-26, and the Sherani manuscript, 1826] == 352-367
== iẓāfah-e āḳhir-e nusḳhah-e ḥamīdiyah , nusḳhah-e sherānī
[marginalia in the Sherani manuscript, 1926-28; and Gul-e ra'na, 1828 ==
368-375 == nusḳhah-e
sherānī, kalām mandarjah-e ḥavāshī , gul-e raʿnā
[1828-33, various verses from the first Rampur manuscript,
1833] == 376-384 == mutafarriq , nusḳhah-e
rāmpūr, avval
[verses from various manuscripts and collections, 1844-47] == 385-393
== mutafarriq
[1848-52, various verses from the Lahore manuscript,
1852] == 394-430 == mutafarriq-e nusḳhah-e lāhor
[various verses from
the second Rampur manuscript, 1855, and the Qadir-namah, 1856] ==
431-468 == mutafarriq
, nusḳhah-e rāmpūr ṡānī , qādir nāmah
[1857-62, various verses from the third printed edition, 1861, and the
fourth printed edition, 1862] == 469-496 == mutafarriq
, tīsrā mat̤būʿah eḍīshan , chauthā mat̤būʿah e:dīshan
[list of verses according to their
year of composition] == 498-514 == fihrist-e ashʿār baliḥāz̤-e sāl-e fikr
[list of verses in alphabetical order by rhyme and refrain] == 515-538
== fihrist-e ashʿār
baliḥāz̤-e ḥurūf-e tahajjī , qāfiyah-o-radīf
[index of proper names]==529-563 == ishāriye
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