'The complete divan of Ghalib in the Gupta Raza edition, in chronological order' (1995) == diivaan-e ;Gaalib kaamil nus;xah-e guptaa ra.zaa , taarii;xii tartiib se
by Kalidas Gupta 'Raza' (1925-2001) == az kaaliidaas guptaa ra.zaa

Bombay: Sakar Publications, 1995

*pp. 1-14*
[table of contents] == 5-7 == fihrist-e ma.zaamiin
[chronological lists of manuscripts and abbreviations] == 9-14 == maa;xuzo;N kii taarii;xii tartiib aur ((alamate;N

*pp. 15-40*
[why a chronological order for the poetry of Ghalib?] == 17-26 == kalaam-e ;Gaalib kii taarii;xii tartiib kyuu;N
[introduction] == 27-32 == ta((aaruf
[Ghalib's earliest Urdu verse] == 33-40 == ;Gaalib kaa avvaliin urduu man:zuum kalaam

*pp. 41-76*
[mention of Ghalib in the 'umdah-e muntakhabah] == 41-50 == ((umdah-e munta;xabah me;N ;zikr-e ;Gaalib
[doubtful verses] == 51-64 == ;harf-e naa-mu((tabar
[the date of composition of some unfamiliar Urdu verses of Ghalib == 65-70 == ;Gaalib ke ba((.z ;Gair-mutadaaval urduu ash((aar kaa zamaanah-e fikr
[some occasional lines and verses of Ghalib's] == 71-76 == ;Gaalib ke kuchh hangaamii mi.sr((e aur shi((r

*pp. 77-99*
[the divan of Ghalib, the first publication] == 77-85 == diivaan-e ;Gaalib :tab((-e avval
[the publication of the divan of Ghalib during Ghalib's lifetime] == 86-99 == ;Gaalib kii zindagii me;N diivaan-e ;Gaalib kii ishaa((at

*pp. 100-128*
[a timeline of Ghalib's life] == tauqiit-e ;Gaalib

*pp. 129-169*
[verses cited in two tazkirahs, by Surur and Zaka] == 129-138 == ((umdah-e munta;xabah , ((ayaar ul-shu))araa
[verses 1813-16 from the Bhopal manuscript, in Ghalib's handwriting, 1816; with the refrain alif] ==
139-169 == nus;xah-e bhopaal , ba;xa:t:t-e ;Gaalib , radiif alif
textual error: {28,3x}

*pp. 169-201*
[verses 1813-16 from the Bhopal manuscript, in Ghalib's handwriting, 1816; with the refrains be through miim] == 139-169 == nus;xah-e bhopaal , ba;xa:t:t-e ;Gaalib , radiif be se miim tak

*pp. 202-225*
[verses 1813-16 from the Bhopal manuscript, in Ghalib's handwriting, 1816; with the refrains nuun through he] == 202-2259 == nus;xah-e bhopaal , ba;xa:t:t-e ;Gaalib , radiif nuun se he tak

*pp. 225-292*
[verses 1813-16 from the Bhopal manuscript, in Ghalib's handwriting, 1816; with the refrain ye] == 225-292 == nus;xah-e bhopaal , ba;xa:t:t-e ;Gaalib , radiif ye

*pp. 293-352*
[marginalia in the Bhopal manuscript] == 293-352 == ;haashiyah-e nus;xah-e bhopaal

*pp. 353-393*
[additions at the end of the Hamidiyah manuscript, 1822-26, and the Sherani manuscript, 1826] == 352-367 == i.zaafah-e aa;xir-e nus;xah-e ;hamiidiyah , nus;xah-e sheraanii
[marginalia in the Sherani manuscript, 1926-28; and Gul-e ra'na, 1828 == 368-375 == nus;xah-e sheraanii, kalaam mandarjah-e ;havaashii , gul-e ra((naa
[1828-33, various verses from the first Rampur manuscript, 1833] == 376-384 == mutafarriq , nus;xah-e raampuur, avval
[verses from various manuscripts and collections, 1844-47] == 385-393 == mutafarriq

*pp. 394-430*
[1848-52, various verses from the Lahore manuscript, 1852] == 394-430 == mutafarriq-e nus;xah-e laahor

*pp. 431-468*
[various verses from the second Rampur manuscript, 1855, and the Qadir-namah, 1856] == 431-468 == mutafarriq , nus;xah-e raampuur ;saanii , qaadir naamah

*pp. 469-496*
[1857-62, various verses from the third printed edition, 1861, and the fourth printed edition, 1862] == 469-496 == mutafarriq , tiisraa ma:tbuu((ah e;Diishan , chauthaa ma:tbuu((ah e:Diishan

*pp. 497-563*
[list of verses according to their year of composition] == 498-514 == fihrist-e ash((aar bali;haa:z-e saal-e fikr
[list of verses in alphabetical order by rhyme and refrain] == 515-538 == fihrist-e ash((aar bali;haa:z-e ;huruuf-e tahajjii , qaafiyah-o-radiif
[index of proper names]==529-563 == ishaariye

= = = = = = = = = = =

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