01 |
In the Name of God, the Merciful,
the Compassionate. [Introductory praise of God, the supreme
Artificer. Very abstract and formal.] |
02 |
Scheme of the horoscope of the auspicious
accession of H. M. the King of Kings. [Technical astrological
material.] |
03 |
Account of the Establishment of the
New and Divine Era from the Accession of H. M. the Shahinshah. [A
new dating system is created to mark the occasion; its technical details.] |
04 |
Firman of Jalalu-d-Din Muhammad Akbar
Padshah Ghazi. [The royal edict that justifies and explains
the new dating system, and decrees its adoption.] |
05 |
Account of the great Administrators
of the Imperial Territories at the time of H. M. the Shahinshah's Accession.
the capable Bairam Khan is in supreme charge of everything.] |
06 |
The seizure of Shah Abu-l-Ma'ali and
his being put into confinement. [He had been a confidant
of Humayun's, and behaved with unacceptable, even seditious arrogance toward
the new ruler.] |
07 |
[1556] Beginning
of the first Divine year after the holy accession of H. M. the Shahinshah,
viz., the year Farwardin of the first cycle [in March 1556]. [Amidst
universal rejoicing a remission of taxes is granted, and many other gifts
are presented to and received from various nobles.] |
08 |
Account of the disloyalty of M. Sulaiman,
his siege of the fort of Kabul, his peaceable retirement, and victory of
the imperial servants. [A potentially dangerous threat is
defused by a combination of military maneuvers and the Kabul fort commander
Mun'im Khan's clever trickery.] |
*09* |
The arrival of news of the sedition-mongering
of Hemu, and the march of the army of fortune to quell the strife of that
evilly-ending miscreant. |
*10* |
Detachment of victorious troops from
the army of H. M. the Shahinshah by way of an advanced force. |
*11* |
Victory of H. M. the Shahinshah's
army in the battle with Hemu, his capture, and his undergoing capital punishment. |
12 |
March of H. M. the Shahinshah's army
from Delhi towards the Punjab to put down the sedition of Sikandar, the
pursuit of him, and the siege of the fort of Mankot. [Particular
honors are bestowed on Bairam Khan.] |
*13* |
[1557] Beginning
of the second year Ilahi from the date of the Accession, viz., the year
Ardibihisht of the first cycle [in March 1557]. |
*14* |
Arrival of H. M. Miriam-Makani and
the other chaste ladies, and H. M. the Shahinshah's march to meet them. |
*15* |
Capture of the fort of Mankot, and
return of the Shahinshah's army to Lahore, and other fortunate occurrences. |
16 |
[1558] Beginning
of the third Divine year from the date of the accession of H. M. the Shahinshah
to wit the year Khurdad of the first cycle [in March 1558]. [After
celebrating, the army heads back toward Delhi.] |
*17* |
March of the world-conquering army
of the Shahinshah to Delhi and its arrival at that wondrous city. |
18 |
H. M. the Shahinshah's inclination
for elephants, and the fighting of raging elephants. [Accounts
of exactly that, somewhat mystically interpreted.] |
*19* |
H. M. the Shahinshah's progress to
Agra, and other occurrences. |
*20* |
[1559] Beginning
of the fourth Divine year from the sacred accession of the Shahinshah,
to wit, the year Tir of the first cycle [in March 1559]. |
*21* |
The imprisonment of the Nasir-ul-Mulk
Pir Muhammad Khan by Bairam Khan. |
22 |
[1560] Beginning
of the fifth year Ilahi from the sacred accession of the Shahinshah, viz.,
the year Amardad of the first cycle [in March 1560]. [Spring
begins, and everyone is happy.] |
*23* |
Hunting-expedition of H. M. the Shahinshah
and the removal of the veil from the actions of Bairam Khan. |
24 |
Awakening of Bairam Khan from the
sleep of neglect, and his seeking to rectify his affairs, and his going
astray. [Bairam Khan is rebuked and exiled, and Maham Anaga
gains in power] |
*25* |
March of the Shahinshah's army of
fortune from Delhi to put down the sedition of Bairam Khan, and other dominion-increasing
events. |
26 |
Return of the royal cavalcade from
Jahjhar, and the sending of troops to arrest Bairam Khan's progress. [Bairam
Khan feigns repentance and submission] |
27 |
Bairam Khan's rebellion becomes manifest:
he flings off the mask and goes to the Panjab. [Bairam Khan
sends humble messages, Akbar replies with a firman] |
28 |
Firman of Jalalu-d-Din u-ad-Duniya
Akbar Padshah Ghazi. [Akbar lays out the case for repentance
and demands submission; Bairam Khan sets off toward the Punjab] |
*29* |
The despatch of the Khan A'zam Shamsu-d-Din
Muhammad Khan Atka with an army to quell the sedition of Bairam Khan. The
expedition of H. M. the Shahinshah in the same direction. The kindling
of the fires of battle between the army of fortune and Bairam Khan, and
the victory of the imperial servants. |
30 |
Arrival of the Shahinshah at Lahore,
and other events. [The Atka Khan receives much honor, and
rich estates in the Punjab] |
*31* |
Expedition of the Shahinshah to the
Siwalik Mountains, and the completion of the affair of Bairam Khan. |
*32* |
March of the Shahinshah from the Panjab
to Agra, his casting the shadow of fortune over Delhi, and from thence
proceeding by water to the capital. |
*33* |
Conquest of Malwa. |
*34* |
[1561] Beginning
of the sixth year from the sacred accession, viz., the Ilahi year Shahriyur
of the first cycle [in March 1561]. |
*35* |
Rapid march of the Shahinshah to Malwa,
his casting his justice-distributing shadow over the land, and his return
to the Capital. |
*36* |
Account of the strange story and of
the wonderful adventure which happened to His Majesty the Shahinshah. |
*37* |
Expedition of the Shahinshah's to
the eastern provinces, the submission of the Khan Zaman, and the return
to Agra. |
*38* |
Brief account of Khwaja Mu'inu'd-Din
Chishti: may his grave be holy. |
*39* |
His Majesty's visit to Ajmir, and
his marriage with Bihari Mal's daughter. |
*40* |
[1562] Beginning
of the seventh year from the sacred accession, viz., the Ilahi year Mihr
of the first cycle [in March 1562]. |
*41* |
The Battle of Paronkh which His Majesty
the Shahinshah personally conducted. |
*42* |
The appointment of 'Abdullah Khan
Uzbeg to the territory of Malwa. |
43 |
Copy of the letter of the illustrious
Shah. [Shah Tahmasp Safavi, ruler of Persia, sends Akbar
a letter full of flowery compliments.] |
*44* |
The punishment of Adham Khan by the
justice of the Shahinshah. |
*45* |
The promotion of I'timad Khan and
the consignment to him of the management of the crown-lands. |
46 |
[1563] Beginning
of the eighth divine year from the holy accession of the Shahinshah, viz.,
the year Aban of the first cycle [in March 1563]. [Various
victories and successes.] |
*47* |
Appointment of Mun'im Khan Khan-Khanan
to Kabul and what followed thereon. |
*48* |
Conquest of the country of the Gakhars
owing to the valour of the imperial troops. |
49 |
The second coming of Shah Abu-al Ma'ali,
and his strife-mongering, and his wandering in the desert of downfall. |
*50* |
March of the Shahinshah's cortege
to Delhi, and the casting of the shade of the umbrella of auspiciousness
over that city: the entry of a thorn into the rose-leaf elements of the
Shahinshah and of its changing into an era of auspiciousness, and of his
proximity to the Divine Protection. |
*51* |
[1564] Beginning
of the ninth divine year from the accession, to wit, the year Azar of the
first cycle [in March 1564] |