*Preface* |
(01) *The Household* |
(02) *The Imperial Treasuries*; (03) *The Treasury for Precious Stones* |
(04) *The Imperial Mint*; (05) *The Workmen of the Mint* |
(06) *Banwari* [testing the fineness of gold]; (07) *The Manner of Refining Gold* (The method of refining silver; The process of Kukra; The process of Bugrawati); (08) *The Method of Separating the Silver from the Gold*; (09) *The Method of Extracting the Silver from these Ashes* |
(10) *The Coins of this Glorious Empire* (Gold coins; Silver coins; Copper coins); (11) *The Dirham and the Dinar*; (12) *The Profit of the Dealers in Gold and Silver*; (13) *The Origins of Metals*; (14) *On Specific Gravity* |
(15) *The Imperial Harem* |
(16) *The Encampment on Journeys*; (17) *The Encampment of the Army* |
(18) *On Illuminations* |
(19) *The Ensigns of Royalty* |
(20) *The Royal Seals* |
(21) *The Farrash Khana* [rugs] (Carpets) |
(22) *The Abdar Khana* [drinks] |
(23) *The Imperial Kitchen*; (24) *Recipes for Dishes*; (25) Of Bread; (26) The Days of Abstinence; (27) Statistics of the Prices of Certain Articles (The spring harvest; The autumnal harvest; Vegetables; Living animals and meats; Butter, sugar, etc.; Spices; Pickles); (28) The Fruitery (Turani fruits; The sweet fruits of Hindustan; Dried fruits; Vegetables; Sour fruits; Sour fruits somewhat acid); (29) On Flavours |
(30) On Perfumes (A list of Perfumes and their prices; A list of fine smelling Flowers; A list of Flowers notable for their beauty; On the preparation of some Perfumes) |
(31) The Wardrobe and the Stores for Mattresses; (32) On Shawls, Stuffs, etc. (Gold stuffs; Silks, etc., plain; Cotton cloths; Woollen stuffs) |
(33) On the Nature of Colours |
(34) The Arts of Writing and Painting (The Art of Painting) |
(35) The Arsenal; (36) On Guns; (37) On Matchlocks, etc.; (38) The Manner of Cleaning Guns; (39) The Ranks of the Guns; (40) On the Pay of the Matchlock Bearers; (41) The Imperial Elephant Stables; (42) The Classification of the Imperial Elephants; (43) The Food allowed to the Elephants; (44) The Servants of the Elephant Stables; (45) The Harness of Elephants; (46) The Elephants for His Majesty's Use; (47) The Manner of Riding Khasa Elephants; (48) On Fines |
(49) The Imperial Horse Stables; (50) The Rank of the Horses; (51) The Fodder allowed in the Imperial Stables; (52) On Harness, etc.; (53) The Officers and Servants Attached to the Imperial Stables; (54) The Bargir [special stables for the use of certain cavalry troops]; (55) Regulations for Branding Horses; (56) Regulations for Keeping up the Full Complement of Horses; (57) On Fines; (58) On Horses Kept in Readiness; (59) On Donations; (60) Regulations for the Jilawana [horses kept to be given as presents] |
(61) The Camel Stables; (62) The Food of Camels; (63) The Harness of Camels; (64) Regulations for Oiling Camels and Injecting Oil into their Nostrils; (65) The Ranks of the Camels and their Servants (Raibari) |
(66) The Gao Khana or Cow Stables; (67) The Daily Allowance of Food; (68) The Servants Employed in the Cow Stables |
(69) The Mule Stables; (70) The Daily Allowance of Food for Mules; (71) The Furniture of Mules |
(72) The Manner in which His Majesty spends his Time |
(73) Regulations for Admission to Court; (74) Regulations Regarding the Kornish and the Taslim [styles of bowing]; (75) On Etiquette; (76) The Muster of Men |
(77) His Majesty as the Spiritual Guide of the People (Ordinances of the Divine Faith); and a "Note by the Translator on the Religious Views of the Emperor Akbar," pp. 176-223 [this consists mostly of hostile comments by Bada'uni] |
(78) The Muster of Elephants; (79) The Muster of Horses; (80) The Muster of Camels; (81) The Muster of Cattle; (82) The Muster of Mules; (83) The Pagosht Regulation [ways to measure animals' health and fines for keepers if it falls short]; (84) On Animal Fights; Regulations for Betting (Deer fights) |
(85) On Buildings; (86) The Prices of Building Material, etc.; (87) On the Wages of Labourers; (88) On Estimates of House Building; (89) Rules for Estimating the Loss in Wood Chips; (90) The Weight of Different Kinds of Wood |
![]() *[Vol. 1] Book the Second* -- The Army ![]() |
(01) The Divisions of the Army; (02) On the Animals of the Army |
(03) The Mansabdars; (04) The Ahadis [a special category of officers who are not formally mansabdars]; (05) Other Kinds of Troopers; (06) The Infantry (The Banduq-chis, or Matchlock-bearers; The Darbans, or Porters; The Khidmatiyyas; The Mewras; The Shamsher-baz, or Gladiators; The Pahluwans, or Wrestlers; The Chelas, or Slaves; The Kuhars, or Palki bearers; Dakhili troops) |
(07) Regulations Regarding the Branding of Animals; (08) On the Repetition of the Mark |
(09) Rules About Mounting Guard |
(10) Regulations Regarding the Waqi'a-Nawis [news-writers] |
(11) On Sanads [decrees] (The Farman-i sabti); (12) The Order of the Seals; (13) The Farman-i Bayazi [an urgent or secret decree] |
(14) On the Manner in which Salaries are Paid; (15) Musa'adat, or Loans to Officers; (16) On Donations; (17) On Alms |
(18) The Ceremony of Weighing His Majesty |
(19) On Sayurghals [grants made to different categories of people] |
(20) On the Carriages, etc., Invented by His Majesty |
(21) The Ten-Ser Tax (Dahseri) |
(22) On Feasts; (23) The Khushroz or Day of Fancy Bazars |
(24) Regulations Regarding Marriages |
(25) Regulations Regarding Education |
(26) The Admiralty |
(27) On Hunting (Tiger Hunting; Elephant-catching; Leopard Hunting); (28) The Food Allowed to Leopards; the Wages of the Keepers (Skill exhibited by hunting leopards; The Siyah-gosh; Dogs; Hunting Deer with Deer; Buffalo Hunts; On Hunting with Hawks; Allowance of Food; Prices of Falcons; Waterfowl; Frogs) |
(27) On Amusements (The game of Chaugan (hockey); 'Ishqbazi (pigeon-flying); The Colours of Khasa Pigeons; The game of Chaupar; The game of Chandal Mandal; Cards) |
(28) The Grandees of the Empire (Note on the meaning of the title of "Tarkhan"; Note on the title of "Asaf Khan"; Note on the battle of Takaroi, or Mughulmari, in Orisa; Note on the Sayyids of Barha (Sadat-e Barha); Note on the Nuqtawiyya Sect; Note on the Death of 'Usman Lohani) |
![]() *[Vol. 2] Book the Third* -- Imperial Administration ![]() |
[ERAS:] The Divine Era; Era of the Hindus; Turkish Era; Hijera Era; Ilahi Era |
A'INS: (1) The Provincial Viceroy; (2) The Faujdar; (3) The Mir 'Adl and the Qazi; (4) The Kotwal; (5) The Collector of Revenue; (6) The Treasurer |
(7) The Islamic land tax; (8) The Ilahi gaz [a measurement]; (9) The Tanab [a measurement]; (10) The Bigha [a measurement]; (11) Land, its classification, dues of the State; (12) Chachar land [uncultivated land]; (13) Banjar land [barren land]; (14) The Nineteen Years' Rates; (15) The Ten Years' Settlement |
ACCOUNT OF THE SUBAHS: The Subah of Bengal; The Subah of Bihar; The Subah of Illahabad; The Subah of Oudh; The Subah of Agra; The Subah of Malwa; The Subah of Khandesh; The Subah of Berar; The Subah of Gujarat; The Subah of Ajmer The Subah of Delhi; The Subah of Lahore; The Subah of Multan; The Subah of Kabul |
(16) The Karoh or Kos [a measurement] |
![]() *[Vol. 3] Book the Fourth* -- ["a general review of the state of Hindustan"] ![]() |
(1) The Boundaries
of Hindustan and a Brief Description Thereof
India--Its Boundaries, Seasons, Natural Beauty, and Crops; Ethnography of Hindustan; On the Inferior and Superior Cosmic Phenomena; The Instutution of the Gharyal [a gong]; The Order of the Spheres; Circumferences of the Spheres; Lunar Stations; Magnitudes of the Fixed Stars |
(2) Description of
the Earth
Description of the Insular Continents; Description of Jambu Dwipa; On Terrestrial Longitude; On Terrestrial Latitude; Extent of Desert and Habitable Land; Division of the Earth and Countries; Places Beyond the Climates, adjoining the Equator [divided into five "Climates]; To find the Distances of Places; Singular Results arising from Accident of Location; The Scale of Notation; The Quarters of the Globe |
(3) "Animal Life"
living beings, as opposed to geography]
Languages; Fauna; Weights and Measures; Jeweller's Weights; Banker's Weights; Other Trade-weights |
(4) The Learning
of the Hindus [="people of Hind"]
Description of the Nine Schools; The Sixteen Predicaments [sources of knowledge]; Vaiseshika; Mimamsa; Vedanta; Sankhya; Patanjali |
(5) [on various doctrines]
Jaina; Bauddha [Buddhism]; Nastika |
(6) The Eighteen
Sciences (Atharah Vidya)
Karma-vipaka; Svara; Answers to inquirers; Agama; Sakuna; Garuda; Indra-jala; Rasa-vidya; Ratna-pariksha; Kama-sastra |
(7) [on the arts
and sciences]
Sahitya [literature]; Sangita [music]; Four Kinds of Instruments; On the Classes of Singers; The Akhara [a dance presentation]; Gaja-sastra [care of elephants]; Salihotra [care of horses]; Vastuka [architecture]; Supa [cooking]; Rajaniti [statecraft]; Vyavahara, or, the Administration of Justice |
(8) [on religious
The Four Periods of Religious Life; Worship of the Deity; Isvara-puja, or Divine Worship; Yajna, or Sacrifice; Dana, or Alms giving; Sraddha, or Ceremonies in honour of deceased ancestors; Avataras, or Incarnations of the Deity (Matsyavatara, or Fish-Incarnation; Kurmavatara, or Tortoise-Incarnation; Varahavatara, or Boar-Incarnation; Nara-sinha, or Man-Lion-Incarnation; Vamana, or Dwarf-Incarnation; Parasuramavatara, or Incarnation of Rama with the axe; Ramavatara, or Rama-Incarnation; Krishnavatara, or Incarnation as Krishna; Buddhavatara, or Buddha-Incarnation; Kalkyavatara, or Kalki-Incarnation); Unclean Things; Purifiers; State of Purification; Improper Dress; Prohibited Food; Ceremonies in Cooking and Eating; Rules of Fasting; Enumeration of Sins; Interior Sins |
(9) [more on religious
Sacred Places of Pilgrimage; Customs of Marriage; Sringara, or Ornaments of Dress; Jewels; Workmen in Decorative Art; Ceremonies at Childbirth; The number of Festivals; Ceremonies at Death; Meritorious Manner of Death |
(10) Comers into
Adam; Hushang; Ham; Jamshid; Zohak; Garshasp; Isfandyar of the Brazen Body; Nariman, son of Garshasp, the son of Utrut; Sam, son of Nariman; Zal, son of Sam; Faramarz, son of Rustam; Bahman, son of Isfandyar; Alexander of Greece; Mani the Painter; Bahram Gor; Burzuyah; Muhammad Qasim; Amir Nasiruddin Sabuktigin; Amir Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi; Sultan Mas'ud; Sultan Ibrahim, son of Sultan Mas'ud; Sultan Mas'ud b.-Ibrahim; Bahram Shah b.-Masaud b.-Ibrahim; Khusrau Shah b.-Bahram Shah; Sultan Mu'izzu'ddin Muhammad Sam; Sultan Qutbu'ddin Aibak; Malik Nasiru'ddin Qabachah; Sultan Shamsu'ddin Iltutmish; Sultan Ghiyas u'ddin Balban; Sultan Muhammad b.-Sultan Malik Shah Saljuqi; Sultan Jalalu'ddin Mankburni; Turmatai Novian; Malik Khan Khalaj; Tahir; Mankuyah; Sari Novian; Timur Novian; Abdu'llah Khan; Saldi; Qatlagh Khwajah; Targhi Novian; Ali Beg and Tartak; Kapak Mughal; Iqbalmand; Khwajah Rashid; Lord of the Fortunate Conjunction (Timur); Baber; Humayun |
(11) Saints of India
(Awliya-i Hind)
[a discussion of Sufi orders]; Shaykh Baba Ratn; Khwajah Muinu'ddin Hasan Chishti; Shaykh 'Ali Ghaznavi Hajubari [=Hujwiri]; Shaykh Husayn Zanjani; Shaykh Bahau'ddin Zakariya; Qutbu'ddin Bakhtyar Kaki; Shaykh Faridu'ddin Ganj-i Shakkar; Shaykh Sadru'ddin Aarii; Nizamu'ddin Auliya; Shaykh Ruknu'ddin; Shaykh Jalalu'ddin Tabrizi; Shaykh Sufi Badhni; Khwajah Karak; Shaykh Nizamu'ddin Abu'l Muayyad; Shaykh Najibu'ddin Muhammad; Qazi Hamidu'ddin Nagori; Shaykh Hamidu'ddin Suwali of Nagor; Shaykh Najibu'ddin Mutawakkil; Shaykh Badru'ddin; Shaykh Badru'ddin Is'haq; Shaykh Nasiru'ddin Chiragh-i-Dihlavi, or the Lamp of Delhi; Shaykh Sharaf (u'ddin) of Panipat; Shaykh Ahmad; Shaykh Jalal; Shaykh Sharafu'ddin Muniri [=Maneri]; Shaykh Jamalu'ddin Hansawi; Shah Madar; Shaykh Nur Qutb-i-Aalam; Baba Is'haq Maghrabi; Shaykh Ahmad Khattu; Shaykh Sadru'ddin; Shaykh Ala'uddin Muhammad; Sayyid Muhammad Gesudaraz (Long Hair); Qutb-i-Aalam; Shah Aalam; Shaykh Qutbu'ddin; Shaykh 'Ali Payrav; Sayyid Muhammad Jaunpuri; Qazi Khan; Mir Sayyid 'Ali Qawam; Qazi Mahmud; Shaykh Maudud al-Lari; Shaykh Haji Abd'ul Wahhab al-Bokhari; Shaykh Abdu'r-Razzaq; Shaykh Abdu'l-Quddus; Sayyid Ibrahim; Shaykh Aman; Shaykh Jamal; Khizr; Elias |
![]() *[Vol. 3] Book the Fifth* -- Comprising the Happy Sayings of His Majesty, and the Conclusion; With a Brief Notice of the Author ![]() |
(12) *The Happy Sayings of His Majesty* |
(13) Conclusion |
(14) *An Account of the Author* |
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