The first edition of Danghiji's
Autobiography was published in two volumes, Vol. I in 1927 and Vol. II
in 1929. The original in Gujarati which was priced at Re. 1/- has run through
five editions, nearly 50,000 copies having been sold. The price of the
English translation (only issued in library edition) was prohibitive for
the Indian reader, and a cheap edition has long been needed. It is now
being issued in one volume. The translation, as it appeared serially in
India, had, it may be noted, the benefit of Gandhiji's revision. It
has now undergone careful revision, and from the point of view of language,
it has had the benefit of careful revision by a revered friend, who, among
many other things, has the reputation of being an eminent English scholar.
Before undertaking the task, he made it a condition that his name should
on no account be given out. I accept the condition. It is needless to say
it heightens my sense of gratitude to him. Chapters XXIX-XLIII of Part
V were translated by my friend and colleague Pyarelal during my absence
in Bardoli at the time of the Bardoli Agrarian Inquiry by the Broomfield
Committee in 1928-29.