Kautilya's Arthashastra
translated by R. Shamasastry, 1915

*Book I, "Concerning Discipline"*
*Book II,"The Duties of Government Superintendents"*
*Book III, "Concerning Law"*
*Book IV, "The Removal of Thorns"*
Book V, "The Conduct of Courtiers"*
Book VI, "The Source of Sovereign States"*
Book VII, "The End of the Six-Fold Policy"*
Book VIII, "Concerning Vices and Calamities"*
Book IX, "The Work of an Invader"*
Book X, "Relating to War"*
Book XI, "The Conduct of Corporations"*
Book XII, "Concerning a Powerful Enemy"*
Book XIII, "Strategic Means to Capture a Fortress"*
Book XIV, "Secret Means"*
Book XV, "The Plan of a Treatise"*


This text was downloaded long ago from:
Now it's no longer there, so I'm making it available here.

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