C. M. NAIM |
(*Naim's articles in Outlook India*)
(not formally published)*
="A Treasure Trove," Outlook India, June 2016:
="The 'Shahi Imams' of India", Outlook India, Nov. 2014: [site]
Nama," from C. M.
Naim's "Repository and Archive" blog, Nov.
2013: [site]
="A Matter of History," from C. M.
Naim's "Repository and Archive" blog, Sept.
2013: [site];
and "Another Lesson in History: [site]
=An Extraordinary
Translator: Tirath Ram Firozepuri (1885-1954)", Annual
of Urdu Studies:
this site]
="Be Crazy With
God...", Outlook India, Dec. 2012: [site];
[on this site]
="Limits of Naipaul's
antipathies," from The Indian Express, Nov.
2012: [site]
="Two Fires," from TheSouthAsianIdea
Weblog, Oct. 2012; [on this site]
="Will Justice Katju Please Note?",
India, Aug. 20, 2012: [site];
this site]
="The Maulana Who Loved Krishna," Outlook
India, Jan. 12, 2012: [site];
this site]; an expanded and more academic version,
from the Economic and Political Weekly, Apr.
2013: [on this site];
CORRECTION: Maulana Hasrat Mohani was born in 1881(1298
A.H.), and not in 1878 as was erroneously indicated in
my essay. He was twenty-seven when he experienced his
first jail sentence. I'm sorry for the error in my very
first sentence and later.
="Beyond belief," a review of 'The Convert' by Deborah
Baker, the Friday
Times, Nov. 25-Dec. 1, 2011: [site];
this site]
="The Deadening Silence of Good Intentions," Outlook
India, Nov. 18, 2011: [site];
this site]
="A Musafir To London,"
India, Oct. 17, 2011: [site]
="Disappearing Treasures: Public Libraries and Urdu
Printed Books," Annual of Urdu
Studies 26 (2011), pp. 53-63: [site];
this site]
="The curious 'spiritual' ancestry of Zaid Hamid,"
"The Review" (of
Today), Sept 18, 2011: [site];
this site]
="In the Name of Defending Islam,"
India, July 22, 2011: [site]
="'Prophecies' in South Asian Muslim Political
Discourse: The Poems of Shah Ni'matullah Wali," Economic and Political
Weekly XLV!,28 (July 9, 2011): [on
this site]
="Learn from Pakistan,"
India, Apr. 20, 2011: [site]
="Individualism within confirmity: A brief history of Waz'dari in Delhi
and Lucknow," Indian
Economic and Social History Review, March 2011:
this site]; *an addendum by
the author, Sept. 2011*
="Berlin Diary,"
India, Dec. 27, 2010: [site]
Muslim League in Barabanki: A Suite of Five
Sentimental Scenes," from Summerhill:
IIAS Review XVI,1 (Summer 2010), pp. 31–41; [on this
'Browning' Of Islam In America?",
India, Sept. 10, 2010: [site];
this site]
="Cordoba Centre: A Dissent,"
India, Sept. 3, 2010: [site];
this site]
="Anti-Ahmadism In India,"
India, Aug. 31, 2010: [site]; [on
this site]
="Fatwa No More,"
India, July
13, 2010: [site];
this site]
="A Lament for Lahore,"
India, July 3, 2010: [site];
[on this site]
="A Killing in Ferozewala,"
India, June 3, 2010: [site]:
[on this site]
="Spinning the Conspiracy Wheel,"
India, May 31, 2010: [site];
this site]
="Let It All Hang Out--In Urdu!,"
India, May 28, 2010: [site];
[on this
="Forgotten Victims of Great Games,"
India, Mar. 12, 2010: [site];
[on this site]
="Erasing 'Allah' In Churches And Mosques,"
India, Jan. 15, 2010: [site];
[on this site]
="An Epiphenomenal Book" (a review of Jinnah: India--Partition--Independence
by Jaswant Singh),
India, Sept. 11, 2009: [site];
[on this
="Jaswant, not-so original," Indian Express,
Sept. 1, 2009: [site]
="The Emperor's New Clothes,"
India, Aug. 26, 2009: [site];
[on this site]
="In a La-La Land,"
India, Aug. 11, 2009: [site];
this site]
="Plagiarize and Prosper,"
India, July 24, 2009: [site];
[on this site]
="Islamic 'Adl in Orakzai," Outlook
India, Apr. 23, 2009: [site];
this site]
="Two Days in Palestine," Outlook
India, Apr. 22, 2009: [site];
this site]
="The Mothers Of The Lashkar," Outlook
India, Dec. 15, 2008: [site]; [on this site]
="'Cold-Blooded Murderers'," Outlook India, July 29, 2008: [site]
="Get a Life, Liberal America", Outlook
India, Jan. 17, 2008: [site]; [on this
="When Does History
Begin?", Outlook India, Nov. 19, 2007:
[site]; [on this site]
="A Disgraceful Book on
1857" (a review of "Documents of the Mutiny 1857" by
S. M. A. Husain), Outlook India, Sept. 1, 2007:
[site]; [on this site]
="Revisiting the 'Partition
Literature'," a talk, Aug. 23, 2007: [on this site]
="The Other Attack on
Taslima Nasrin at Hyderabad," Outlook India, Aug. 13, 2007:
[site]; also [on this site]
=Review: Rosie
Llewellyn-Jones, ed., Lucknow: City of Illusion.
Newsletter of the South Asia Language and Area Center,
University of Chicago, 2006-7: [on this site]
="Talking about Muharram in
Chicago," a talk delivered by the author in 1998 and
revised for this website in Nov. 2006: [on this site];
and published in Outlook
India, Feb. 6, 2007: [site]
="A Sentimental Essay in
Three Scenes," the keynote address at "One Hundred Years of All India
Muslim League," a colloquium at the University
of Chicago, Nov. 4, 2006: Outlook
India, Jan. 11, 2007; also [on this site];
also: a video of the talk (on google)
="Imams at the Airport," a
letter to the editor of the Chicago Tribune
sent on Nov. 23, 2006: [on this site]
="A Clash of Fanaticisms,"
Outlook India, Feb. 8, 2006: [on this site]
="On the Death of a
Princess": an earlier article (1980) followed by
some fresh thoughts (2005): [on this site]
="A Day In August, 1947," a
letter by Dr. Zakir Husain, trans. CMN, Outlook India, Oct. 29, 2004:
[on this
="A Plea to the Press:
Please Spare Us the AIMPB Edicts," Outlook India, Oct. 7, 2004: [on this site]
="The Hijab and I," Outlook India, Sept. 2, 2004:
[on this site]
="A 'Hyper-Masculinized'
Islam?", Outlook India, Jan. 16, 2004:
[on this site]
="Dangerous Self-Delusion,"
Outlook India, Nov. 14, 2003:
[on this site]
="Hindustan or Pakistan?",
Outlook India, Aug. 14, 2001:
[on this site]
(an excerpt from Ambiguities of Heritage)
="Condemn the Taliban, But
Also Remember," Chicago Tribune, March 8, 2001: [site]
="A Dissent on Fire,"
The Toronto Review 18,1 (Fall 1999): [on this site]
="Jinnah on the Silver
Screen" (May 1999): [on
this site]
="Ghalib: a Review of
Translations," Feb. 1996: [on this site]