*"The Cambridge Modern History Atlas,"
edited by Sir Adolphus William Ward, G.W. Prothero, Sir Stanley Mordaunt Leathes, and E.A. Benians (London: Cambridge University Press, 1912)*
*"The Age of Discovery" (1400's)*
*"The Ottoman Advance in Europe and Asia Minor" (1400-1500's)*
*"Portuguese, Dutch, and English in the East, c.1650"*
*"India: the Beginnings of British Dominion"*
*"India in 1804: the Mysore & Maratha Wars 1792-1804"*
*"The Eastern Frontier of India and Neighbouring Countries: French and English Expansion 1805-7"*
*"The Eastern World: European Colonies and Dependencies, 1815"*
*"India in the 19th Century: British Expansion 1805-1910"*
*"Northern India: The Mutiny 1857-9"*
*"The Western Frontier of India and Neighbouring Countries"*
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