"Exterior of a Vihara on the Udyagiri Hill" by James Fergusson, 1845
Source: http://www.petrafineart.net/other/indian_temples.html
(downloaded Nov. 2004)
"Illustrations of the Rock-Cut Temples of India, Selected from the Best Examples of the Different Series of Caves at : Ellora, Ajunta, Cuttack, Salsette, Karli, and Marvellipore." Drawn on Stone by Mr. T. C. Dibbin, from sketches carefully made on the spot, with the assistance of the camera-lucida, in the years 1838-9, by James Fergusson, Esq. London: John Weale, 1845."
"Verandah of the Ganesa Gumpha" ("Ganesh Cave") by James Fergusson, 1845
Source: http://www.petrafineart.net/other/indian_temples.html
(downloaded Nov. 2004)
"Illustrations of the Rock-Cut Temples of India, Selected from
the Best Examples of the Different Series of Caves at : Ellora,
Ajunta, Cuttack, Salsette, Karli, and Marvellipore." Drawn on
Stone by Mr. T. C. Dibbin, from sketches carefully made on the
spot, with the assistance of the camera-lucida, in the years
1838-9, by James Fergusson, Esq. London: John Weale, 1845."
*General view from the south of the entrance to
the Ganesha Gumpha, Cave X, Udayagiri, a photo by William
Henry Cornish, c.1892* (BL) [*Cornish
also: *Front and left-hand wing of the Rani Gumpha,
Udayagiri* [*Cornish 1892b*];
also: *Right-hand wing of the Rani Gumpha, Udayagiri*
[*Cornish 1892c*]
*General view of the facade of the Rani Gumpha, Udayagiri, a photo by Alexander E. Caddy, 1895* (BL) [*Caddy 1895*]
A modern visitor's overview of the rock-cut temple site, which dates to the reign of Chandragupta I (382-401)
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A closer look at one of the facades
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Vishnu in his Boar Avatar, rescuing the Earth, in Cave 5
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lenchik/116904237/
(downloaded Nov. 2006)
Cells for Jain monks, in the veranda of the Rani Gumpha cave (Cave 1), Udaigiri
(downloaded Feb. 2008)
"Bagh Gumpha" (Tiger Cave), Udaigiri
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/indyblue/1889979532/
(downloaded Feb. 2008)
*BL* -- A search for "udayagiri" will produce many more early photos of Udaigiri (and Khandgiri too)
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