"Amadabath," an engraving published
in Amsterdam (Peeters), 1690
Source: ebay, Apr. 2009
"La ville d'Amadabath, dans le
Mogol aux Indes," by Peter van der Aa, from 'La Galerie Agreable
du Monde (...).Tome premier des Indes Orientales.', published by
P. van der Aa, Leyden, c. 1725
Source: ebay, Feb. 2012
The city of Amadabath, from 'A True and Exact Description of the
most Celebrated East-India Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel; as
also of the Isle of Ceylon', by Philip Baldaeus, London, 1752
Source: ebay, Sept. 2005
== Indian
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