of wada for the Sultan Ghiyath al-Din, the Sultan of Mandu. Samosas being
prepared. Small inscription 'sanbusa', samosa. Ghiyath Shahi seated on
a stool in a garden is being offered a dish, possibly of samosas. A cook
is frying them over a stove, while another is placing them on a round dish.
Opaque watercolour. Sultanate style. Title of Work: The Ni'matnama-i
Nasir al-Din Shah. A manuscript on Indian cookery and the preparation of
sweetmeats, spices etc., 1495-1505"* (BL)

of betel. Ghiyath Shahi is kneeling on a stool, putting a betel chew in
his mouth. There is a night sky, and he is wearing white night clothes.
Out of doors with a background of heavy vegetation. A woman attendant is
holding a gold bowl of betel. Wine flask in the foreground. A dark girl
kneeling before Ghiyath Shahi is offering him another betel chew. Opaque
watercolour. Sultanate style."* (BL)
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