A Portuguese nobleman in a palanquin, with his retinue, from
"Itinerario, voyage, ofte Schipvaert van Jan Huygen van Linschoten
naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien," Amsterdam, 1596; also:
*A Portuguese nobleman riding on a
*A Portuguese nobleman riding in a
palanquin* (shown above)
*A palanquin for Portuguese ladies*
*A Portuguese couple with servants*
*Goan and other boats*
*Social types, including a soldier and
a bayadere*
*Merchants and a Brahmin*
*Forms of Portuguese attire*
*An idol-temple and a mosque*
Source: ebay, May 2015
Some non-indigenous inhabitants of
Goa, according to Theodor de Bry, 'India Orientalis', Frankfurt,
Source: ebay, Sept. 2004
A lady and gentleman of Goa, from
'La galerie agreable du monde... Tome premier des Indes
Orientales.', published by Pieter van der Aa, Leyden, c. 1725
Source: ebay, Jan. 2012

A drawing by Grasset de St.Sauveur, from 'Voyages Pittoresque
dans les Quatres Partis du Monde', 1806; with modern hand
Source: ebay, Jan. 2007
"Baniane de Goa," earlier 1800's;
also, other Goans: *a tailor*;
*a Chinese
barber*; *a
Hindu lady*
Source: ebay, Mar. 2010

"Habits de Goa," from 'Le Voyageur universel' by
Bourrut-Lemerie, Paris, 1820
Source: ebay, Aug. 2002

From Mary Annie Venning, 'A Geographical Present; Being
Descriptions of the Principal Countries of the World', London,
1820; compare *Man & Woman of
Source: ebay, Dec. 2007

"Goanese serving maid," an albumen print, c.1880's
Source: ebay, Nov. 2007
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