Aurangzeb holds court, as painted by (perhaps) Bichitr; Shaistah Khan stands behind Prince Muhammad Azam

Source: Imperial Mughal Painting, by Stuart Cary Welch (New York: George Braziller, 1978), p. 112. Scan by FWP, Aug. 2001.

Commentary by Stuart Cary Welch:

"In spite of his later austerity, which turned him against music, dance, and painting, a few of the best Mughal paintings were made for [Aurangzeb] 'Alamgir. Perhaps the painters realized that he might close the workshops and therefore exceeded themselves in his behalf. For whatever reason, this darbar is of stunning quality. The awesomely dignified emperor holds a hawk, while seated on an elegantly unpretentious gold throne beneath a canopy adorned with birds of paradise. His third son, Muhammad A`zam, who was born in 1653, stands facing him, looking very boyish and lively in contrast to the formality of the others. The black-bearded dignitary to his left is Shaisteh Khan, son of Nur Jahan's brother 'Asaf Khan.

Probably painted for an album, this miniature might be by Bichitr." (p. 113)

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