*"View of Poona [Pune], with river in the
foreground. October 1804," by Henry Salt* (BL)

*"A Representation for the delivery of the
Ratified [anti-Tipu] Treaty of 1790 by Sir Charles Warre Malet
Bart to His Highness Soneae Madarou Peshwa"; by Daniel and
Turner, 1807* (BL)
*"Poona," from an English history
book, 1851*
Source: ebay, May 2007
"View of Sassoor, in the Deccan,
South East of Poonah," an engraving, 1850's
Source: ebay, July 2008
"New Government House at Gunish
Khind, Poonah," from the Illustrated London News, 1870
Source: ebay, July 2009
British administrator's bungalow, probably in Poona; a photo
from c. the 1870's*
Source: ebay, Mar. 2011
"View of Poonah, near Bombay," from
the Illustrated London News, 1875; very large scans of *the left half* and *the right half*
Source: ebay, Aug. 2010
"Shrine of the Parbutty temple at
Poonah," from the Illustrated London News, 1876; also *"The
Prince of Wales on the road to the temple of Parbuttee, near
Poonah," from The Graphic, 1875*
Source: ebay, Sept. 2010
A print published in 1880
Source: ebay, Aug. 2015
"In the neighbourhood of Poonah," an engraving by E. Therond, 1878
Source: ebay, Dec. 2011
*"View of the citadel of Poonah," an
engraving, 1880*
Source: ebay, Nov. 2013
at Poona," a photo, c.1900*
Source: ebay, Oct. 2010
The Agha Khan's palace, where
Gandhi was famously imprisoned; a news bureau photo, 1942
Source: ebay, Feb. 2009

The Delhi Gate of Shaniwar-wada, the old Maratha fort in Pune;
little of the rest of the fort survives
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ucogency/332290117/
(downloaded Mar. 2007)
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