"Paliacatta of Geldria" by Philip Baldaeus, from 'Nauwkeurige beschrijving Malabar en Choromandel, derz. aangrenzend rijken, en het machtige eiland Ceylon' , Amsterdam, 1672

Source: ebay, Aug. 2014

A view from 'Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee en Lantreize ...' by Johan Nieuhof, published by Jacob van Meurs, Amsterdam, 1682. First and only Dutch edition. Later amended English edition published by Churchill in 1744.

Source: ebay, Oct. 2011

A gold fanam minted by the Dutch in Pulicat (1700's-1800's); on one side it depicts Narasimha

Source: http://www.vcoins.com/ancient/ecin/store/viewitem.asp?idProduct=6437
(downloaded Feb. 2008)

A copper engraving of the city of Pulicat (Pellacata) and its Castle situated at the Coromandel Coast, published in Churchill's 'A Collection of Voyages...', London, 1744

Source: ebay, Mar. 2011

Bellin's view, from Prevost's Histoire Generale des Voyages, 1754 edition; *a much larger, uncolored scan of the same view, from the 1751 edition*

Source: ebay, Apr. 2004


"Paliacatta or Geldret," from  'A True and Exact Description of the most Celebrated East-India Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel; as also of the Isle of Ceylon' by Philip Baldaeus (London: Lintot & Osborn, 1752)

Source: ebay, Sept. 2005

The old Dutch cemetery at Pulicat

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/krsaurabh/353603734/
(downloaded Feb. 2007)

A life lived from 1625 to 1662

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/krsaurabh/353604321/
(downloaded Feb. 2007)

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