"Das Königl. Dänische Castel Dansburg und die Stadt Trankenbar auf der Custe Coromandel in Ost Indien," a view published by the Danish East India Company c.1650-1700; with closer views of *the upper part* and *the key at the left* and *the key at the right*

Source: ebay, Feb. 2012

Views of the fort of Tranquebar, or "Dansburg," founded in 1620, from *PREVOST*, 1753

Source: ebay, Mar. 2006

A view of the fort itself from "Carte du District de Tranquebar" by Bellin, with modern hand coloring; *the full map**

Source: ebay, Aug. 2006


A Danish coin from the Tranquebar mint, dated on the left face "1694"

Source: ebay, June 2007

 A Danish 4 kash coin, issued by the Tranquebar mint in the name of Christian VI (1730-1746), Danish India

Source: ebay, Mar. 2006

The Danish fort of Dansborg, built in 1620 at Tranquebar (Tarangambadi), faces outward to the sea

Source: http://www.childrencare.dk/rejse/Tranquebar26ST.jpg
(downloaded Dec. 2004)

Another view of the Tranquebar fort

Source: http://www.hist.uib.no/indocean/India/India535.jpg
(downloaded Oct. 2005)

The remains of a Shiva temple, Masilamani Nath (1300's), at Tranquebar

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/byronic501/150804283/in/set-72057594141529737/
(downloaded Oct. 2006)

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