From a Portuguese atlas, 1630
Source: ebay, Mar. 2007
"The city of Cochin," from the 1672 German edition of Baldaeus'
'Nauwkeurige beschrijving Malabar en Choromandel, derz.
aangrenzend rijken, en het machtige eiland Ceylon' by Philip
Baldaeus; and *the victorious Dutch
taking Cochin*
Source: ebay, Apr. 2013
"Over-Winningh van de Stadt
Cotchin op de Kust van Mallabaer" (Victory over de city of Kochi
on the coast of Malabar), from 'Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee en
Lantreize ...' by Johan Nieuhof, published by Jacob van Meurs,
Amsterdam, 1682. First and only Dutch edition. Later amended
English edition published by Churchill in 1744. Also: *"The Queen of Koylang"
meeting with Nieuhof*
Source: ebay, Oct. 2011
City of Cochin at the time of its being taken [from the
Portuguese] by the [Dutch] Admiral and General van Goens, 8 Jan.
1663," from 'The True and Exact Description of the Most
Celebrated East-India Coast...' by Philip Baldaeus, published by
A. Churchill, London, 1744 (first published in 1672)*; also
from the Churchill collection: *"The Taking of the City of Cotchin
in Mallabar," from 'Mr. John Nieuhoff's Remarkable Voyages..."*
Source: ebay, Sept. 2010
"The City of Cochin all sides," a
panoramic view from 'A True and Exact Description of the most
Celebrated East-India Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel; as also of
the Isle of Ceylon' by Philip Baldaeus, London, 1752 (orig. ed.
Source: ebay, Mar. 2012
*A view from Cornelis de Bruyn's
book of travel pictures "Reizen Door Klien Asia," 1698*
Source: ebay, Aug. 2006

*'Kochin, of Kouchin, een oude en beroemde
Stadt in het lantschap. Malabar in Indie, onder het gebiet der
Nederlanders'; by Peter Schenk, 1702* (BL)
A view from 'La galerie agreable du
monde (…). Tome premier des Indes Orientales.', published by P.
van der Aa, Leyden, c. 1725
Source: ebay, Jan. 2012

Some Nayers of Cochin, from "Voyages Celebres et Remarquables
faits de Perse etc.," by Jean Albert de Mandelslo, 1727
Source: ebay, Nov. 2007

"Plan of the City of Cochin," from 'The Universal Traveller',
by Thomas Salmon, London, 1729
Source: ebay, Mar. 2007
A view by Isaac Tirion, Amsterdam, 1730
Source: ebay, July 2013

"The King of Cochin riding on an Elephant, attended by his
Nayro's," and "Small Indian Vessels used on the coast of
Malabar," from Thomas Astley, 'A New General Collection of
Voyages and Travels', London, 1745; larger scans (with modern
hand coloring) of the *upper view*
and the *lower view*
Source: ebay, Feb. 2007
*"Plan of the City of Cochin,"
from Thomas Astley, 'A New General Collection of Voyages and
Travels', London, 1745*
Source: ebay, Nov. 2006
plan of Cochin, from Prevost, c.1750's*

"The King of Cochin on his Elephant, accompanied by his
Nairs," from *PREVOST*,
Source: ebay, Nov. 2004)

*View of the fort of Cochin , from across the
backwater, with the union flag flying from the warehouse,
formerly the Portuguese cathedral of Santa Cruz; watercolor,
c.1800* (BL)

*Cochin, on the coast of Malabar; by James
Forbes, 1813* (BL)
"The Chinese fishing nets of
Fort Cochin," from 'Das Buch der Welt', Stuttgart, 1842-48
Source: ebay, Mar. 2010

Cochin in its setting, from "Lowry's Table Atlas" by J.W.
Lowry (Chapman & Hall, London, 1850)
Source: ebay, Oct. 2006
*"Burning of
the ship 'British Merchant,' on her passage from Cochin to
London," from the Illustrated London News, 1853*
Source: ebay, Oct. 2009
*"Jewish women of Cochin," from
'The Earth and its Inhabitants: Asia (India and Indochina)',
by Elisee Reclus (D. Appleton and Company, 1884)*
Source: ebay, Feb. 2007
*"A Hindu temple in Cochin," a
photogravure by Martin Hurlimann, 1928*; also: *"Fishing nets, Cochin"*; also: *"A village home on the Malabar
Source: ebay, Feb. 2007

The old European graveyard
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/adoran2/114528653/
(downloaded Feb. 2007)
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