A view of a temple ("pagode") and a mosque ("mesquita"), from "Histoire de la navigation de Iean Hugues de Linschot hollandois, aux Indes orientales..." by Jan Huygen van Linschoten, engraved by Johann and Baptiste ven Doetecom, Amsterdam, 1638; *the whole engraving*

Source: ebay, Feb. 2013

"Clothing of Bisnagar [Vijayanagar]," a Dutch engraving by *Cornelius Hazart*, 1667

Source: ebay, Mar. 2007

"Elements of the Hanscret Language," from 'An Embassy from the East India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of China (...) Also an epistle of father John Adams (...) With an appendix of several remarks taken out of father Athanasius Kircher.', by John Ogilby, 2nd edition, published in London 1673. This is in fact a translation of the original work by Joan Nieuhof, first published in Dutch in 1665 ('Gezandtschap der Nederlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie...). Also: *Plate 2*; *Plate 3*; *Plate 4*; *Plate 5*.

Source: ebay, Jan. 2012

"Arbers of the Banians, and particulars of the Idolaters," from 'Giro del Mondo' (Naples, 1699) by Giovanni Francesco Gemelli Careri (1651-1725), who traveled around the world between 1693-95

Source: ebay, Feb. 2007

A "Banian," and a royal functionary, in a copper engraving by Cornelis de Bruin, 1711; *the Banian*; *the royal functionary*

Source: ebay, Feb. 2004

A language map of Asia, from "Synopsis universae philologiae" (Homann heirs, Nuremberg, c.1741): *lower left*; *upper left*; *lower right*; *upper right*; *south and southwest Asia*; *south and southeast Asia*; *northeast Asia*

Source: ebay, Nov. 2007

*Various shrubs of India, from Thomas Astley's 'Voyages and Travels', London, 1745*

Source: ebay, Feb. 2007

"The Swing on which the principal Persons in India pass away much of their Time," a copper engraving, 1770; *another version, 1778*; also: "The Ordeal Trial practised by the Gentoos," 1770*

Source: ebay, Dec. 2005

"Ceremony of the name-giving of a child, as used by the Banians, India," from 'Geschiedenis van alle wereldgodsdiensten', by *William Hurd* (Amsterdam, Martinus de Bruyn, 1781)

Source: ebay, Feb. 2007

"Alphabet Nagrou [Nagari], ou Hanscret [Sanskrit]," 1784 [originally pub. 1751-52], from Diderot's 'Encyclopedie'  (Paris, Liege); also *Bengali*; also *Telugu*; also *"Tamoul, ou Malabar"*; also *"Arabic, Turkish, Persian"*; also *the ancient Persian script*

Source: ebay, Jan. 2007

*"An inhabitant of Oriental India," by Teodoro Viero, from 'Stampe che rappresentano Figure ed Abiti di varie Nazioni', Venice, 1785*; also: *A man of Malabar*

Source: ebay, Nov. 2007

"The course of the Ganges," by Pierre d'Hancarville, 'Recherches sur l'origine, l'esprit et les progres des arts de la Grece', 1785; with close views of details: *detail 1*, *detail 2*, *detail 3*; also the *rightmost portion (not shown above* and a detail from it: *detail 4*

Source: ebay, Apr. 2014

*"Indians, male and female," from 'Le voyageur de la jeunesse dans les quatre parties du monde' by Pierre Blanchard, Paris, 1804*

Source: ebay, Jan. 2011

*"Soldiers in the British Indian Army, a Captain of the Guards in Delhi, an Indian Raja, Burmese nobles, Afghanis, and Indian dancers and musicians," illustrated by Giacomo Casa, 1843*

Source: ebay, Oct. 2014

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