A traditional container for formal letters that were to be
delivered by a special herald or messenger; *another example*; and *one more example*
Source: ebay, Jan. 2008
*"A kinkhab bag, Kharita, used as an
envelope by the princes of India, with the seal of H.H. Tukoji Rao
Holkar... engraved by Shekh Nisar Mahomed of Delhi," from the
Journal of Indian Arts, vol. 1, London 1886*
Source: ebay, July 2010
"Diorama of the route of the
overland mail to India-- Leaving Suez," from the Illustrated
London News, 1850
Source: ebay, July 2009
*"Launch of
the West India mail steam-ship 'Solent', at Cowes," from the
Illustrated London News, 1853*
Source: ebay, Oct. 2009

"Mail-gary in the northwest of India," from 'Ballou's
Pictorial,' 1856
Source: ebay, June 2008

"Dawk Walas (Postmen) of Bengal," Illustrated London News,
Source: ebay, June 2004
"Slinging letter-bags in the rainy
season," from the Illustrated London News, 1858; also *"The catamaran postman"*
Source: ebay, Mar. 2009
"Her Majesty's Mail in India," from
the Illustrated London News, 1867
Source: ebay, June 2009

Successive postmarks on a letter to the Nawab of Rampur, 1867
Source: Muraqqa'-e Ghalib, by Prithvi Chand (Delhi: Lakshmi
Printing Works, 1966), pages not numbered; scan by FWP, Nov. 2006
The postmarks show that the letter travelled from Delhi to
Meerut, then on to Calcutta, then on to Aligarh, then to Rampur,
where it finally caught up with the Nawab.
"The postal services carriage," by
A. de Neuville, from 'Le Tour du Monde', 1873
Source: ebay, Oct. 2008

A special postal office was set up on the Prince of Wales's
ship (Illustrated London News, 1875); *another, similar view from The
Graphic, 1875*; also *Loading mailbags into the Prince of
Wales's ship, from The Graphic, 1875*
Source: ebay, Nov. 2007
"Gwalior: The Dak-Ghari," from
'India and its Native Princes' by Louis Rousselet, 1878
Source: ebay, Apr. 2009
Calcutta, Dalhousie Square," a photo c.1870's*
Source: ebay, Mar. 2010
the Madras Presidency," from 'Peoples of the World' by Robert
Brown, 1892*
Source: ebay, Dec. 2009

A letter sent from Diu to Karachi in 1881; the envelope has
been secured with sealing-wax
Source: ebay, Mar. 2006
A glass lantern slide, c.1900, from
India or Ceylon: across
the man's chest is a leather strap, leading to his letter pouch;
in one hand he carries a package, and on his shoulder is a large
metal badge that reads "Post Office Delivery Peon No. 11"
Source: ebay, Oct. 2008
The staff of the Delhi Central Post
Office, in a photo by Raja Deen Dayal, 1903 (to celebrate the
coronation of Edward VII)
Source: ebay, June 2009
"Mail sorters," a photo by A. Keyes, 1925-30
Source: ebay, Dec. 2007
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