Literal translation by FWP:
/it is the very same thing that here is breath, there is
the radiance of the garden is the cause of my
{24,6} |
Literal translation by FWP:
/not all! some became manifest in tulip and rose
in the dust what faces/aspects must there be, that became hidden/
{111,1} |
Literal translation by FWP:
/who is the forbidder of the wildness-roamings of Laila?
the house of Majnun the desert-wanderer was without a door/ {18,3} |
Source of all the above images and text:
(downloaded April 2001)
On that website the translations are attributed to: Ghalib
translation of Ghalib's selected verse, by Riaz Ahmed (Rawalpindi:
Ferozsons, 1996)
The [Boston
University] Department of
Religion and The
Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations invite
to a presentation on:
"Mirza Ghalib’s Mughal Islamic Masculinity – A Saint or a
A Presentation by Amanullah De Sondy
us as we explore one of the greatest poets of the Persian and Urdu
language in the 19th century and the ways that Islamic ideals of
masculinity presented in the Quran were lived out in the lives of
Persian and Urdu speaking Mughals. See how Ghalib contested and
challenged societal norms yet lived up to ideals set in the Quranic
world of creation. Ghalib’s colors in poetic form push one to
consider: was he a Saint or a drunk?
Source: an email invitation sent out for a talk to be
given on March 4, 2010
== Indian Routes
== Indian Routes
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