A French map by Alexandre Vuillemin, c. 1841, showing the "Confederation des Seikhs" in the northern Punjab

Source: ebay, Dec. 2001

*"Panjab: Battle of Ferozeshah," by James Duffield Harding, 1847* (BL);
also: *"Panjab: Outpost of Rhodawala, occupied by the British Piquets on the 10th of February 1845"* [*Harding, 1847b*]

*"Death of the Wuzeer of Lahore," from the Illustrated London News, 1845*; also: *"First Sikh War: Western Gate of Powanghur"*; also *"First Sikh War: East Side of Punalla"*

Source: ebay, Mar. 2006

*"Major General Sir R. H. Sale, G.C.B., mortally wounded at the battle of Moodkee, Dec. 18, 1845"*

Source: ebay, Nov. 2012

*"The war in India: sketches in the Punjaub and Sikh country: house of General Ventula, at Lahore; General Ventula; Sikh officer; Rajah Suchett Sing (Malek Adel); by G. T. Vigne, Illustrated London News, 1846*
also: *"Illustrations of the war in India: Sikh soldiers; Loodianah on the Sutlej"; by G. T. Vigne*; *"Loodianah, on the Sutlej"*
also: *"First Sikh War: House of Colonel Wade, at Lodianah"

Source: ebay, Dec. 2005

*"British troops crossing the Sutlej (Punjab) in boats. 10 February 1846," by Sir Henry Yule* (BL)

*"Destruction of the bridge of boats across the Sutlej [in 1846]" (provenance unknown)*

Source: ebay, Oct. 2006

Meanwhile, back in England: "Firing the Tower Guns on Monday night, for the victories in India," from the Illustrated London News, 1846

Source: ebay, June 2009

Two major players in the First Anglo-Sikh War, and a memory of Ranjit Singh: *"Sheik Imam-Ud-Din, Runjur [=Ranjit] Sing, and Dewan Dina Nath," by James Duffield Harding, 1847* (BL);
also: *"Jullunder Doab: Kote Kangra"* [*Kote Kangra, 1847*]

"The Sikh trophy guns 'forming up', in the fort of Monghyr," from the Illustrated London News, 1847; also *"Grand field day at Calcutta--arrival of the captured Sikh guns"*

Source: ebay, May 2009

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