*Elephants at work hauling timber; a photo from South India or Ceylon, 1880's*
Source: ebay, May 2007
*Another working elephant; an albumen photo, c.1880's*
Source: ebay, Dec. 2007
*Early tourists on an elephant ride; an albumen photo, c.1880's*; *another group of elephant-riders, c.1890's*
Source: ebay, Aug. 2007
"Elephant and trainer," a visitor's photo, 1914
Source: ebay, Apr. 2007
You can even stand on the tusks (a photo from the 1890's or the early 1900's)
Source: ebay, June 2007
*Working elephants, Banaras, 1950's; a photo by Charles C. Batchelder*
Source: ebay, Oct. 2007
"Elephant ride, Amber Fort"
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/foxypar4/462523073/
(downloaded Apr. 2007)
A colorful elephant, Amber Fort
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97968921@N00/379639575/
(downloaded Apr. 2007)
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