Nehru in 1930; a photo from 'The Evening Sentinel'; *a better view of that press photo*

Source: ebay, Sept. 2010

*Nehru with Indira; a news bureau photo dated 1946*

Source: ebay, Dec. 2010

With Gandhi, Bombay, 1946: that iconic photo

Source: ebay, Apr. 2010

A news bureau photo of Nehru and the new flag, July 1947

Source: ebay, Feb. 2010

*A photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1947*

Source: ebay, Dec. 2010

TIME Magazine, Oct. 1949

(downloaded Apr. 2007)

*Nehru and Indira Gandhi visit Mount Vernon, a news bureau photo, 1949*; also *their visit to Albert Einstein*

Source: ebay, Feb. 2010

*Nehru merges with South Asia, gesturing reassuringly amidst doves of peace (modern bazaar art)*

Source: ebay, Sept. 2012 captured by the photographer Yousuf Karsh, 1950

Source: ebay, June 2001

Norman Rockwell's view

Source: ebay, July 2006

*A huge scan of an autographed photo, the kind that would be given to visitors*

Source: ebay, Apr. 2007

*Nehru with Helen Keller, 1954; a photo from the San Francisco Examiner archives*

Source: ebay, July 2008

*Nehru with Chou En-Lai, Bandung Conference, 1955; a photo from the San Francisco Examiner archives*

Source: ebay, June 2009

*Nehru and Indira with John Foster Dulles, 1956, a news bureau photo*

Source: ebay, Feb. 2010

*Nehru with JFK at the White House, 1961, a news bureau photo*

Source: ebay, Apr. 2010

A nostalgic news bureau photo, published after Nehru's stroke in 1964; *the original caption*

Source: ebay, Jan. 2010

*Nehru's funeral pyre being built on the Yamuna; a news bureau photo, May 28, 1964*

Source: ebay, Sept. 2011

Nehru's life, depicted in a poster probably from the 1950's; *another such view*

Source: ebay, Nov. 2013

*Nehru merges into the map of India, making a peace gesture, with flocks of doves (1950's?)*

Source: ebay, July 2006

*Nehru engraved in silver, into a silver frame*

Source: ebay, June 2007

Nehru's life depicted from cradle to grave the way Krishna's often is (bazaar art, mid-1960's); also *"The Light is Gone"*, a print expressing national mourning at his death (1964)

Source: ebay, Augl 2007

*Indira Gandhi cradles her young grandson Rahul Gandhi, in a news bureau photo, 1970*

Source: ebay, Nov. 2010

A Nehruvian dynastic photo: Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) and his daughter Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) are shown hovering over her son Rajiv Gandhi (1944-1991); bazaar art, c.1980's

Source: ebay, Sept. 2007

The extended Nehru-Gandhi dynasty continues: three generations, one spouse, one unrelated totemic figure

(downloaded Apr. 2008)

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