Krishna threatens to kill Bhishma, as Arjuna reminds him of his promise not to fight

(downloaded April 2001)

Commentary by Dr. Gary Tubb, Columbia University, July 2001:

"An incident on the third day of the war, from the Bhishmaparva (section Bhishmavadhaparva), 6.55.58-101 in the critical edition.

Krishna, enraged by what he calls the "soft fight" put up by Arjuna, and dismayed by Bhishma's successes on the battlefield, threatens to attack Bhishma with a chariot wheel. Bhishma drops his bow and welcomes Krishna with open arms, but Arjuna finally manages to hold Krishna back.

Cf. 6.102.48-70 for the same stunt, but with a horsewhip.

For the all-white glory of Bhishma's gear and features, see the opening passage of J.A.B. van Buitenen, The Bhagavadgita in the Mahabharata."

Another vision of the scene, in modern bazaar art

Source: ebay, Sept. 2007

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