"Row of animals in red ochre"; *CLICK HERE for access to the whole set of images, and be patient, it's often slow to load*
Source: http://www.ignca.nic.in/asp/all.asp?projectid=rock
(downloaded July 2001)
"Row of animals outlined in red ochre colour and filled with crisscross lines. Location - Ram Chajja, District Raisen, M. P."
Below are two more images (out of many) from the IGNCA rock-art gallery:
"Engraved hunting scene"
"Engraved hunting scene on a stone slab with two identical suns and
dog. Neolithic Period. Location - Burzahom, District Srinagar, J
& K."
"Composition in white colour"
"Composition in white colour showing a bull, four monkeys and a
perhaps Chalcolithic Period. Location - Jhiri, District Raisen, M.P."
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