"Unicorn" seal, from Harappa

Source: Courtesy of Prof. Frederick Asher, Univ. of Minnesota, October 1999

"Unicorn" seal, from Mohenjo-Daro

Source: http://www.harappa.com/indus/25.html
(downloaded Sept. 2000)

"Large square unicorn seal (25.) with perforated boss on the back (26). The unicorn is the most common motif on Indus
seals and appears to represent a mythical animal that Greek and Roman sources trace back to the Indian subcontinent."

As the most common single animal on the seals, the unicorn appears very similarly in seals found at different Indus Valley sites

Source: http://www.safarmer.com/indus/Harvard2004.pdf
(downloaded Sept. 2008)

A theory about the "ritual stand" in front of the unicorn

Source: http://www.safarmer.com/indus/Harvard2004.pdf
(downloaded Sept. 2008)

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