A Pahari painting of an OM containing deities, c.1780-1800
(downloaded Aug. 2004)
"A Hindu Tantric Painting. India, Pahari, circa 1780-1800. Depicting
from top to bottom: Shiva, Sakti, Vishnu on his conch with Brahma
from his navel and Lakshmi, Harihara, four-headed Brahma, and the
below, painted against a gold ground forming the stylized seed syllable
Ohm, surrounded by a dark blue floral border with gold painted
12ΒΌ x 9 5/8 in. (31.1 x 24.4 cm.)."
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva within an OM, in a Mahabharata manuscript from 1795
(downloaded Mar. 2006)
"Special Collections [at the Univ. of Edinbufgh] has a beautiful
of the Mahabharata on a continuous strip of silk approximately 230 feet
long. Illuminated with elaborate illustrations in late Mughal or Kangra
style with lavish use of gold, detailed floral borders and infills
the frames of the miniatures. Dated sam 1852(=1795 A.D.) in several of
the internal colophons. The manuscript is mounted on rollers in a glass
topped box. Preceded by a series of large miniatures, with others
the various parvans, as well as a series of small quatrefoil-shaped
interspersed through the text. All the miniatures have gold backgrounds
with red and white flowers, green leaves, blue diamond shapes and gold
flowers in orange cartouches."
A modern religious print: OM containing the three major modern deities
(downloaded Nov. 1999)
Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva with their consorts are all depicted
a cosmic OM. This OM looks a bit different because it is written in a
closer to how the modern Devanagari alphabet would represent the sound.
Rama appears to Hanuman within an OM (bazaar art, c.1960's)
Source: ebay, Mar. 2006
An OM cradles the child Krishna (bazaar art, c.1980's)
Source: ebay, Oct. 2007
Radha and Krishna literally entwined by an OM; bazaar art, early 1900's
Source: ebay, Dec. 2006
"Om Radha Krishna" in modern Orissan pata-chitra style
(downloaded March 2001)
All three major deities unite to endorse an OM (bazaar art, c.1970's)
Source: ebay, Oct. 2007
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