Qur'an leaf from 1516, by Abdullah al-Khadim
Source: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=913980796
(downloaded Oct. 2002)
"This is a rare hand written manuscript leaf from a Koran, India, 1516 AD, on paper (290 x 200 mm. or approximately 11.5 x 7.875 inches). This fine quality leaf, consisting of nine lines of text, is from a Koran and was scribed by Abdullah at-Khadim with wonderful detail. The verso is just as spectacular. The format is typical of a Sultanate Indian Koran of a much earlier period; there are indeed similar examples from the 15th century. The scribe is well known for a very fine hand. Condition of this leaf is less than fine due to a hole in the margin not affecting text."
Detail of margin of left-hand leaf: