"Ka'i chand the sar-e asman," the title of Shamsur Rahman Faruqi's's historical novel; *ka'i chand design 2*; *ka'i chand design 3*

More designs for the novel title: *ka'i chand design 5*; *ka'i chand design 6*; *ka'i chand design 7*; *ka'i chand design 8*; *ka'i chand design 9*; *ka'i chand design 10*

Another design; and also *ka'i chand design12*; *ka'i chand design 13*; *ka'i chand design14*; *ka'i chand design15*

New calligraphic designs for the title of Shamsur Rahman Faruqi's novel, created by Adil Mansuri; generously provided by the artist for this website, Jan. 2007, Apr. 2007