Teaching materials prepared by Richard Delacy, Harvard University

Elementary Hindi exercises
A full set of weekly assignments to go along with the lessons in *Elementary Hindi* [*about this book*]. The assignments begin from the third week onwards (hence nine for the first semester and thirteen for the second semester).
Fall assignments: *01*; *02*; *03*; *04*; *05*; *06*; *07*; *08*; *09*
Spring assignments: *01*; *02*; *03*; *04*; *05*; *06*; *07*; *08*; *09*; *10*; *11*; *12*; *13*

Elementary Urdu exercises

These exercises and the class worksheets (presented below) follow the same structure and may be used together in a course. The weekly exercise assignments are ordinarily completed at home and submitted in class, and the worksheets can be used in classes in a number of ways (the teacher can have the students read and translate them, or ask them to come up with the Urdu on the sheets from English, then get them to ask each other these questions, or make up similar questions). One could teach the grammatical points that are introduced in each weekly assignment, put them together with the worksheets to be employed in class, and then use a textbook for grammatical instruction. (One very suitable text is Asani and Hyder's *Let's Study Urdu*.)
Fall assignments:
*01*; *02*; *03*; *04*; *05*; *06*; *07*; *08*; *09*; *10*
Spring assignments: *01*; *02*; *03*; *04*; *05*; *06*; *07*; *08*; *09*; *10*; *11*

Urdu class worksheets
Here's a set of worksheets that can be used in classes from the beginning of the year. Different worksheets emphasize various points of grammar. My textbook: *Read and Write Urdu Script*.
Urdu class worksheets: *01*; *02*; *03*; *04*; *05*; *06*; *07*; *08*; *09*; *10*; *11*; *12*; *13*; *14*; *15*; *16*; *17*; *18*; *19*; *20*; *21*; *22*; *23*; *24*; *25*; *26*; *27*
Urdu class worksheets, continuing set:
*28*; *29*; *30*; *31*; *32*; *33*; *34*; *35*; *36*; *37*; *38*; *39*; *40*; *41*; *42*; *43*; *44*; *45*; *46*; *47*

Elementary Urdu readings
Most of these readings have been taken from Usha Jain and Karine Schomer's *Intermediate Hindi Reader* and transliterated into the Nastaliq script. You will find extensive glossaries for them in the Reader, except for the words that have been changed to reflect a style that approximates literary Urdu. The words that have been substituted appear in a serialized glossary at the end of the text. The texts here that are not included in the Reader appear with their own complete glossaries in Urdu.

*kuchh bharat ke bare men* (text and supplementary glossary)
*panchtantra se: hoshyar 'aurat* (text and supplementary glossary)
*panchtantra se: baGair dil aur kan vala gadha* (text and supplementary glossary)
*"Kaki," by Siyaram Gupta* (text and supplementary glossary)
*kuch shi'r o sha'iri* (text)

The "Lucknow Reader" set (Devanagari)

*an anthology of descriptive and literary materials mostly about Lucknow*

*the glossary for the reader, part 1*; *the glossary for the reader, part 2*

These are very large files; the materials are carefully selected and arranged. It's for an intensive intermediate Hindi course conducted during the summer in Lucknow many years ago. A few pieces, such as the Manto story, don't pertain particularly to Lucknow, but most do.

Intermediate Hindi and Urdu materials, with glossaries

"Shatranj ke khilari," by Premchand: *a Devanagari text*; *a Devanagari glossary*

"Motor ke chinte," by Premchand: *an Urdu text*; *a Devanagari glossary* by Sudha Joshi

"Toba Tek Singh," by Manto: *an Urdu text*; *a Devanagari text*; *a Devanagari glossary*

"Khol do," by Manto: *an Urdu text*; *a Devanagari text*; *a Devanagari glossary* by Sudha Joshi

A Devanagari text and serial glossary for the film "Umrao Jan" (1981)
by Sudha Joshi, provided by Richard Delacy with her generous permission

 Sudha Joshi taught Hindi in Melbourne, Australia for many years in several universities. Over that period she produced numerous resources for the teaching of Hindi and also translated some devotional poetry for publication.

The classic 1981 film version of Umrao Jan: *a Devanagari list of characters*
a Devanagari text of the film: *part 1*; *part 2*
a Devanagari glossary for the film: *part 1*; *part 2*

A Devanagari text and serial glossary for the film "Sholay" (1975)

*Sholay part 1*
*Sholay part 2*
*Sholay part 3*
*Sholay part 4*
*Sholay part 5*
*Sholay part 6*
*Sholay part 7*
*Sholay part 8*
*Sholay part 9*
*Sholay part 10*
*Sholay part 11*
*Sholay part 12*
*Sholay part 13*
*Sholay part 14*
*Sholay part 15*
*Sholay part 16*
*Sholay part 17*
*Sholay part 18*

[A word about *Elementary Hindi* (textbook and workbook): This work is based on fifteen years of teaching experience, and is a comprehensive introduction to the language. It's unique in the manner that it introduces the Devanagari script, with no Roman letters (apart from when individual characters are introduced) and above all in the order in which grammatical concepts are introduced. After introducing the script in the first six lessons, and then nominal declensions and case in lessons 7 and 8, in lessons 9-14 it focuses on the most important building blocks for verbal constructions, the imperfect and perfect participles. In other words, everything that can be done with the imperfect participle is contained in lessons 9-11, and everything that can be done with the perfect participle in lessons 12-14 (except their use as adjectives and adverbs, that is). No other book focuses on these participles in such a systematic manner.