


SRF's translation comes, with his permission, from Mir Taqi Mir: Selected Ghazals and Other Poems, translated by Shamsur Rahman Faruqi. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2019. Murty Classical Library of India; Sheldon Pollock, General Editor. Ghazal 43, pp. 123-127.

S. R. Faruqi:

(1) Not long before us much happened in this world, and yet some more.
Still we came heedless, perpetrated much, and then some more.

(2) My heart, my soul, my liver burned to cinders in my breast.
Love set fire to my house and burned down much and yet some more.

(3) How can I express what I saw in you?
Blandishments of love, affected looks, enticing, puzzling manners, cruel flirtations...so much and yet some more.

(4) The heart was lost, the senses were lost, the power to endure was lost, even my steadfast courage was lost.
In sorrowing for you there was taken from me so much and yet some more.

(5) Don't ask me to say what I had for you, cruel one:
hopes for kindness and generosity, affection, fidelity--so much and yet some more.

(6) I am remembered with names like "the wounded," "the wandering," "the infamous."
A whole world said bad things about me--so much and yet some more.

(7) Strange transaction, this--that you don't listen to a word I say.
And for you I have been made to hear so much and yet some more.

(8) Unrequited desire for union, pain of disunion, my imaginings and thoughts focused on the beloved's face--
I perished but in my heart there remained so much and yet some more.

(9) Desolate heart and wounded liver, distressful burden of grief, scar of disunion.
A pity that as I leave the world I am obliged to take with me so much and yet some more.

(10) Moisture-laden eyes, heart full, liver in a hundred shreds--
I too had so much from love's riches and yet some more.

(11) Why feel concerned with the times as they make and unmake things?
Clay and mortar in the founding of those buildings was made from the bodies of so many great men and yet some more.

(12) My Kaaba, my direction for prayer, my master, my refuge and protector, my tender compassionate one--
in my restless anxiety I addressed her as all this and yet some more.

(13) But what can I say about the impact my loving inscriptions made on her?
At each word she read she sneered much, and yet some more.

(14) It's I alone that leave the world deprived and debarred from everything.
Otherwise the times gave to the world, and yet some more.



(inspired by SRF's translation)

(1) Sometime before us, in the world-- what-all happened!
Still, we heedless ones came, and-- what-all we did!

(2) Heart, liver, life-- these turned to ash in the breast.
Love set the house aflame-- what-all burned up!

(3) How can I tell you what I saw in you?
Airs and graces, charms and style-- and what-all!

(4) Heart went, awareness went, endurance went, life too went.
In the business of grief over you-- what-all went!

(5) Ah, don't ask, tyrant, what I hoped for from you--
a gaze of love, generosity, kindness, faithfulness-- and what-all!

(6) I'm known as 'broken-down', 'disreputable', a 'vagabond'.
In short, what-all names the world has called me!

(7) A strange companionship!-- you don't listen to a word I say,
and on your account, do you hear me?-- what-all have I heard!

(8) Longing for union, grief of separation, the thought of the beloved's face--
I died, but in my heart what-all remained!

(9) Heart-pain, liver-laceration, grief-trouble, separation-wound--
ah, when I left the world, what-all went along with me!

(10) Wet eyes, a full heart, a liver torn to shreds--
from the realm of passion, what-all have I brought away!

(11) What do you care what the times build or wreck? For here,
who-all's dust has been used-- and what-all has it made!

(12) 'Prayer-way and Ka'bah', 'Lord and Refuge' and 'Gracious friend'--
growing agitated, what-all did I write to her!

(13) But what can I say of the effect of my ardent letter?
At every word she began to say-- what-all!

(14) We alone went from the world deprived, Mir.
Otherwise, what-all has the age given to everyone!


Zahra Sabri:

Zahra Sabri is a special guest translator for this site.

(1) A bit before our times, in this world happened so very much!
Still, we oblivious ones came and did here so very much!

(2) Heart, liver, soul – these were reduced to ashes, inside the chest
Love set the house on fire – burning so very much!

(3) How should I describe to you what I have seen in you!
Enticing allurements, alluring graces, seductive gestures – so very much!

(4) I lost my heart, my senses, my endurance, and lost even my soul
In this preoccupation of sorrow for you, I ended up losing so very much!

(5) Alas, don’t ask, cruel one! For, from you, I had
Hopes of affection, benevolence, kindness, devotion – so very much!

(6) ‘Deranged’ and ‘dissolute’ and ‘disreputable’ are the names applied to me
A whole world said to me, in short, so very much!

(7) The wonder of this conversation is that you don’t listen to a thing I say
On your account, do you hear, I listened to so very much!

(8) Yearning for union, pain of parting, and the vision of the beloved’s face
I died, but in my heart remained so very much!

(9) Broken-heartedness, ache of anguish, sorrow of separation
Alas! From the world, there exited with me so very much!

(10) Tear-drenched eyes, a brimming heart, and a liver torn to a hundred bits
Of passion’s treasures, in my possession, too, was so very much!

(11) Why should the construction and destruction of this world concern you, for here
The clay of so many was expended in the foundations, to an extent that was so very much!

(12) Your Excellency, Most Noble Lordship, Your Worship, Most Affectionate Protector
In agitation, I pleadingly wrote to her so very much!

(13) But what can I even say of the impression of my passionate words
On every letter and word, she began to quibble and say so very much!

(14) It’s only I, “Mir”, who left, wretched and bereft, from this world
Otherwise, everyone here gained from fortune so very much!


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