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SRF's translation comes, with his permission, from Mir Taqi Mir: Selected Ghazals and Other Poems, translated by Shamsur Rahman Faruqi. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2019. Murty Classical Library of India; Sheldon Pollock, General Editor. Ghazal 31, pp. 87-89.
(inspired by SRF's translation)
(1) My existence is like a bubble.
This show is like a mirage.(2) About the delicacy of her lip-- what can be said?!
It's like a single petal of a rose.(3) Open the eye of the heart on that world too!
The situation here is like a dream.(4) Time after time I go to her door.
My condition now is something like-- distraction.(5) With the dot of the beauty-spot, your eyebrows
are like a verse that's marked out for its merit.(6) When I spoke, she said, 'This voice
is just like that good-for-nothing's voice'.(7) In the fire of grief a heart has roasted, perhaps.
For some time, there's been a smell like a kabob.(8) Look-- the style of the cloud, at present,
is like that of my water-filled eyes.(9) Mir, in those half-open eyes
is all intoxication, like that of wine.
Zahra Sabri:
Zahra Sabri is a special guest translator for this site.
(1) Our existence is like a bubble’s
This display is like a mirage(2) How shall I describe the delicacy of her lip?
It’s like a rose petal(3) Open your heart’s eye on that other world too
The reality of this world is like a dream’s(4) I go to her door again and again
My state is now like that of uncontrollable agitation(5) Through the dot of your beauty-mark, your eyebrows
Are like a verse marked out for a selection(6) When I spoke, she said, “This voice
Is like that same good-for-nothing vagabond’s!”(7) My heart’s been roasted in the fire of grief, perhaps
For a long while, there’s been a kebab-like smell(8) Look, the mode of the cloud this time
Is like my moisture-filled eyes(9) “Mir”, in those slumberous, half-open eyes
All the intoxication is like that of wine