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SRF's translation comes, with his permission, from Mir Taqi Mir: Selected Ghazals and Other Poems, translated by Shamsur Rahman Faruqi. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2019. Murty Classical Library of India; Sheldon Pollock, General Editor. Ghazal 53, pp. 149-153.
(inspired by SRF's translation)
(1) The exhaustion of lives is not without relish.
When did Khizr and the Messiah ever know the pleasure of dying?(2) How can I say how I saw the pomp and circumstance of this world?
I saw the signet of Solomon as a toe-ring.(3) Is this any way to flirt, dear-- like the sun?
To show your face at dawn, and then hide it away in the evening?(4) Could any servant do servitude like mine?
The Lord knows-- I took you for the Lord.(5) I had such pride in my discernment!
In the end he turned out evil-- the one who I thought was good.(6) It's no use to toss your head high, like a whirlwind!
In that desert, keep your head down and move like a flood.(7) It would be better to restrain these bloody tears.
It's not good to have blood flowing down the face.(8) The image is fixed, it won't leave people's hearts--
She came, and wrongly erased the lover's rights.(9) Was this the way for you to look at me?
Before you go, just look me in the eye.(10) Coming from the gathering of that candle-flame,
I brought away a fresh wound from her tongue.(11) Oh tumult of Doomsday, I don't want to oversleep!
If you come by here, wake me too on your way.(12) The merchant has sold a pearl for the price of water!
It weighs heavy on me that Yusuf is valued so lightly.(13) My life, you and I are like body and spirit.
When did I know myself apart from you?(14) It passes over me like Doomsday then--
when I remember your all-at-once arrival.(15) For years she and I have gotten on like this:
when she lifts the sword, then I bow my head.(16) Mir, how could you ever control such a trickster?
You attached your heart forever-- but you never even knew it.
Zahra Sabri:
Zahra Sabri is a special guest translator for this site.
(1) Having one’s life become ended is not devoid of relish
When did Khizr and the Messiah ever know the pleasure of dying?(2) What shall I say about the value I placed on the pomp and majesty of this world?
I saw the Seal of Solomon as a toe-ring(3) What coquetry is this, that in the manner of the sun, my dear
Having shown your face at dawn, you go and hide it away at dusk?(4) When would any other slave ever display devotion like mine, in slavery?
God knows this well: I saw you as a god(5) We too used to be very proud of our powers of discernment
In the end, that person turned out to be evil, whom we had thought to be good(6) What’s to be gained from being stiff-necked like a whirlwind?
Bend your head to the ground, in this desert, and rush forward like a flood(7) It would be better if this weeping of blood can be curbed
It’s really not good that blood should keep flowing down one’s face(8) This vision that is engraved on people’s hearts, is not one that will go away
Her coming to the lover, and quite unjustly, taking away his rights(9) Was this the manner in which you should have cast your gaze here?
Leave if you must, but please let your eyes meet mine for a second(10) Our going to that flame-bright beauty’s assembly, and then returning
From there each day, having sustained a fresh wound from her tongue(11) Oh din of Doomsday, lest I remain asleep
When you pass this way, do awaken me, too, as you go(12) How the owner’s come and sold the pearl for the price of water!
The selling off of Joseph so cheaply, bears down heavily indeed(13) Yours and my relationship is like that of body and spirit
When have I, oh my dear soul, ever considered you distinct from myself?(14) My mind is overtaken by a devastating tumult at the moment
When I remember you arriving without any warning(15) For years, this is the manner in which she and I have kept company
The moment she lifts up her sword, I bow my head before it(16) How, “Mir”, could you succeed against such a trickster as her?
You attached your heart to her, but didn’t even become conscious of it