Selected Urdu work by Shamsur Rahman Faruqi |
date |
title |
notes |
1966-2005 |
shab-ḳhūn |
A remarkable monthly literary journal that championed both modernism and the recuperation of the classical poetic tradition. Published from Allahabad by the Shabkhun Press. The final numbers (293-299) take the form of two very large anthology volumes that revisit some of the best of the four decades. |
1968 |
lafz̤-o-maʿnī | Allahabad: Shabkhun Kitab Ghar. |
1968 |
fārūqī ka tabṣire | Allahabad: Shabkhun Kitab Ghar. |
1969 |
ganj-e soḳhtah | Allahabad: Shabkhun Kitab Ghar. Poems. |
1973 |
shiʿr ġhair-shiʿr aur naṡr | Allahabad: Shabkhun Kitab Ghar. 2nd ed.: New Delhi: قومی کونسل براۓ فروغِ اردو , 1998. |
1974 |
sabz andar sabz | Allahabad: Shabkhun Kitab Ghar. Poems. |
1977 |
ʿarūẓ āhang aur bayān | Lucknow: Kitab Nagar. 2nd ed. 2004, from New Delhi: qaumī kaunsil barā-e furoġh-e urdū . |
1977 |
chār simt kā daryā | Lucknow: Kitab Nagar. Poems. |
1981 |
dars-e balāġhat | New Delhi: Taraqqi-e Urdu Bureau. An edited volume that provided brief and convenient explanations of many important terms of the classical poetics. |
1982 |
afsāne kī ḥimāyat meñ | Delhi: Maktabah Jami'a. 2nd ed.: Scheherzade Press, Karachi, 2004. |
1986 |
iṡbāt-o-nafī | Delhi: Maktabah Jami'a. |
1989 |
tafhīm-e ġhālib | New Delhi: Ghalib Institute. 2nd ed. 2006. |
1990-2008 |
shiʿr-e shor-angez ; ġhazaliyāt-e mīr kā muḥaqqiqānah intiḳhāb, mufaṣṣal mut̤āliʿe ke sāth | New Delhi: qaumī kaunsil barā-e furoġh-e urdū . His four-volume selection and commentary on Mir; first ed. 1990-1994; second ed. 1997; third ed. 2006-2008. |
1993 |
intiḳhāb-e urdū kulliyāt-e ġhālib | New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. 2nd ed. 1999. |
1993 |
andāz-e guftagu kyā hai | Delhi: Maktabah Jami'a. |
1996 |
urdū ġhazal ke aham moṛ , īhām , riʿāya t, munāsibat | New Delhi: Ghalib Akademi. 2nd ed. 2001. |
1996 |
āsmāñ miḥrāb | Allahabad: Shabkhun Kitab Ghar. Poems. |
1998 |
dāstān-e amīr ḥamzah : zabānī bayāniyah , bayān-kanandah , aur sāmaʿīn | Delhi: Maktabah Jami'a. |
1999- |
sāḥirī , shāhī , ṣāḥib-qirānī , dāstān-e amīr ḥamzah kā mut̤āliʿah | New Delhi: qaumī kaunsil barā-e furoġh-e urdū . Vol. 1: naz̤arī mubāḥas , 1999. Vol. 2: ʿamalī mubāḥas , 2006. Vol. 3: jahān-e ḥamzah , 2006. Vol. 4: in progress. |
1999 |
urdū kā ibtidāʾī zamānah | Karachi: Aj ki kitaben. 2nd ed.: Delhi: Maktabah Jami'a, 2001. |
2001 |
ġhālib par chār taḥrīreñ | New Delhi: Ghalib Institute. |
2001 |
savār aur dūsre afsāne | Karachi: Aj ki kitaben; short stories. |
2003 |
luġhat-e roz-marrah | New Delhi: Anjuman Taraqqi-e Urdu. |
2004 |
tanqīdī afkār | New Delhi: qaumī kaunsil barā-e furoġh-e urdū . |
2004 |
taʿbīr kī sharḥ | Karachi: Akademi Bazyaft. |
2004 |
fārūqī maḥv-e guftgu | Edited by Rahil Siddiqi. New Delhi: Ra'na Kitab Ghar. |
2006 |
kaʾī chāñd the sar-e āsmāñ | Penguin, New Delhi. A historical novel about the life of the mother of the poet Dagh. It is being issued in Devanagari script as well. |
2007 |
jadīdiyat kal aur āj , aur dūsre maẓāmīn | New Delhi: Na'i Kitab Publishers. |
2007 |
ḳhvurshīd kā sāmān-e safar , shiʿr-e iqbāl par kuchh taḥrīreñ | New Delhi: Oxford University Press. |
2009 |
intiḳhāb-e naṡr-e urdū | New Delhi: qaumī kaunsil barā-e furoġh-e urdū . |
2010 |
ṣūrat-o-maʿnī-e suḳhan: tanqīdī maẓāmīn | New Delhi: M. R. Publications. Literary-critical essays. |