'A Memorial to Ghalib' (1897) == yādgār-e ġhālib

by Altaf Husain 'Hali' (1837-1914) == az alt̤āf ḥusain ḥālī

[table of contents] == *000* == fihrist-e maẓāmīn

[preface] == *pp. 1-8* == dībāchah

[first part: Mirza's life] == pahlā ḥiṣṣah : mirzā kī lāʾif

*pp. 9-18*
[date of birth] == 9 == tārīḳh-e valādat
[family] == 9-13 == ḳhāndān
[education] == 13-15 ==taʿlīm
[title] == 16 == tāʾitil
[maternal family] == 16-17 == nanhiyāl
[personal appearance] == 17 == ṣūrat-o-shakl
[residence] == 18 == maskan
[literary education] == 18 == mut̤āliʿah-e kutub

*pp. 18-28*
[a trip to Calcutta] == 18-20 == safar-e kalkattah
[a dispute with the people of Calcutta] == 21 == majādalah-e ahl-e kalkattah
[the masnavi 'A Contrary Wind'] == 21-26 == maṡnavī bād-e muḳhālif
[a stay in Lucknow] == 26-28 == qayām-e lakhnaʾū

*pp. 28-42*
[a refusal of government service] == 28-29 == mulāzamat-e sarkārī se inkār
[the event of his imprisonment] == 29-33 == qaid hone kā vāqiʿah
[a relationship with the Fort] == 33-35 == qilʿah se taʿalūq
[a position correcting the king's verses] == 35 == ḳhidmat-e iṣlāḥ-e ashʿār-e bādshāh
[extemporaneous composition] == 35-36 == badīh-goʾī
[offspring] == 36-37 == aulād
[events of the Rebellion and the book Dastanbu] == 37-41 == ḥālāt-e ġhadr-o-kitāb-e dastanbū
[a stipend from Rampur] == 41-42 == vaz̤īfah-e rāmpūr

*pp. 42-52*
[the book Qat'i-e Burhan] == 42-44 == qāt̤iʿ-e burhān
[opposition to Qat'i-e Burhan] == 44-45 == qāt̤iʿ-e burhān kī muḳhālifat
[support for Qat'i-e Burhan] == 45-51 == qāt̤iʿ-e burhān kī tāʿīd
[insults in anonymous letters] == 52 == gumnām ḳhat̤oñ meñ gāliyāñ

*pp. 52-60*
[the author's relationship with Mirza] == 52-58 == rāqim ke sāth mirzā kā muʿāmilah
[command of Arabic] == 58 == istiʿdād-e ʿarabi
[knowledge of Persian] == 58 == fārsī-dānī
[meter] == 58 == ʿarūẓ
[astrology] == 59 == nujūm
[Sufism] == 59 == taṣavvuf
[inability with chronograms and arithmetic and geometry] == 59 == tārīḳh-o-siyāq-o-masāhat se ajnabiyat
[calligraphy] == 59 == ḳhvush-qat̤ī
[style of poetry-recitation] == 59-60 == andāz-e shiʿr-ḳhvānī

[morals and habits and opinions] == *pp. 61-71* == aḳhlāq-o-ʿādāt-o-ḳhayālāt
[kind-heartedness] == 62 == muravvat
[broad-mindedness] == 62-64 == farāḳh-ḥauṣlagī
[memory] == 64 == ḥāfiz̤ah
[understanding of poetry == 65 == shiʿr-fahmī
[judgment about poetry] == 65-66 == suḳhan-sanjī
[understanding of books] == 66 == kitāb-fahmī
[wit and humor and mischievousness] == 66-68 == ḥusn-e bayān aur z̤arāfat-o-shoḳhī
[self-respect] == 68-69 == ḳhvud-dārī
[diet] == 69 == ḳhūrāk
[fondness for mangoes == 69-71 == āmoñ kī raġhbat

*pp. 71-82*
[habit of wine-drinking] == 71-74 == nāʾo-nosh kī ʿādat
[religious views] == 74-78 == mażhab
[good-temperedness] == 78-79 == salāmatī-e t̤abʿa
[the problem of imitation of the Prophet] == 79-82 == masaʿalah-e imtināʿ-e naz̤īr-e ḳhātm ul-nabayyīn

*pp. 82-96*
[praise for poetry] == 82-83 == dād-e suḳhan
[fair-mindedness] == 83 == inṣāf
[style of writing evaluations] == 83-84 == taqrīz̤ likhne kā ḍhang
[evaluation of Taftah's divan] == 84 == taqrīz̤-e dīvān-e taftah
[evaluation of a re-editing of the A'in-e Akbari] == 84-86 == taqrīz̤-e taṣḥīḥ-e āʾīn-e akbarī
[critical viewpoint] == 86-87 == muḥaqqiqānah naz̤ar
[love of truth] == 87-88 == ḥaq-pasandī
[straightforwardness of speech] == 88-90 == rāst-guftārī
[complaint of lack of appreciation] == 90 == nā-qadardānī kī shikāyat
[appreciation of connoisseurs] == 90-91 == suḳhan-fahmoñ kī qadar
[claim of his incapacity] == 91-93 == apne ʿajz kā iqrār
[his not composing satires] == 93-96 == hajv nah likhnā

*pp. 96-105*
[family relationships] == 96-98 == ḳhānagī taʿlluqāt
[longing for death] == 98-99 == maut kī ārzū
[situation at the end of his life] == 99 == āḳhīr-e ʿumr kī ḥālat
[situation of his mortal illness] == 99-100 == marẓ ul-maut kī ḥālat
[the date of his death] == 100 == tārīḳh-e vafāt
[funeral procession] == 100 == janāze kī namāz
[numerousness of his pupils] == 100-01 == shāgirdoñ kī kaṡrat
[Sayyid Ghulam 'Ali Khan 'Vahshat'] == 101-02 == sayyid ġhulām ʿalī ḳhāñ vaḥshat
[Navab Ziya ul-Din Ahmad Khan] == 102-04 == navāb ẓiyā ul-dīn aḥmad ḳhāñ
[Navab Muhammad Mustafa Khan] == 104-05 == navāb muḥammad muṣt̤afâ ḳhāñ

[second part: a review of Mirza's poetry, and selections from it] == dūsrā ḥiṣṣah : mirzā ke kalām par rīvyū aur us kā intiḳhāb

[introduction] == 106 == tamhīd
[Mirza's literary capability] == 107-08 == mirzā kā sābiqah-e istiʿdād
[a review of Mirza's Rekhtah divan and his Urdu poetry] == 108-139 == mirzā ke dīvān-e reḳhtah aur un kī urdū shāʿirī par rīvyū
*pp. 106-120*; *pp. 120-133*; *pp. 133-139* (on 'meaning-creation')

[selections from the Rekhtah divan] == dīvān-e reḳhtah kā intiḳhāb

[ghazals] == 139-167 == ġhazaliyāt
*pp. 139-152*, alif se nūn tak
*pp. 153-167*, vāʾo se ye tak

*pp. 167-174*
[qita'-s] == 167-71 == qit̤aʿāt
[ruba'i-s] == 171-74 == rubāʿiyāt

*pp. 174-195*
[a review of the Urdu prose, and a selection from it] == 167-195 == naṡr-e urdū kā rīvyū aur us kā intiḳhāb

*pp. 196-205*
[remarks on the Persian poetry and prose] == 196-203 == naz̤m-o-naṡr-e fārsī par rīmārk
[remarks on the Persian ghazals] == 203-205 == ġhazaliyāt-e fārsī par rīmārk

[a selection of the Persian ghazals] == ġhazaliyāt-e fārsī kā intiḳhāb
*pp. 205-214*, alif se be tak
*pp. 215-226*, te
*pp. 226-243*, dāl
*pp. 244-256*,
re se mīm tak
*pp. 257-270*, nūn se ye tak

[comparison of Mirza's ghazals with Naziri's] == *pp. 271-279* == mirzā kī ġhazal kā naz̤īrī kī ġhazal se muqābilah
[comparison of Mirza's ghazals with Zuhuri's] == *pp. 279-286* == mirzā kī ġhazal kā z̤uhūrī kī ġhazal se muqābilah

[Mirza's Persian quatrains] == *pp. 286-296* == mirzā kī rubāʾiyāt-e fārsī

[remarks on Mirza's Persian odes, and examples of them] == *pp. 296-322* == mirzā ke qaṣāʾid-e fārsī par rīmārk aur un ke namūne

*pp. 323-336*
[Persian verse-sets == 323-25 ==
qit̤aʿāt-e fārsī
[comparison of Mirza's tarkib-bands with Naziri's] == 325-36 == mirzā ke tarkīb-band kā naz̤īrī ke tarkīb-band se muqābilah

[an example of Mirza's Persian masnavis] == *pp. 336-347* == mirzā kī fārsī maṡnavī kā namūnah

[remarks on the Persian prose] == 347-49 == naṡr-e fārsī par rīmārk
[a selection from the Persian prose] == 349-410 == naṡr-e fārsī kā intiḳhāb
*pp. 347-366*; *pp. 367-378*; *pp. 379-410*

*pp. 410-419*
[comparison of the Persian prose with Zuhuri's prose] == 410-13 == naṡr-e fārsī kā muqābilah z̤uhūrī kī naṡr ke sāth
[comparison of Shaikh Ali Hazin's and Mirza's prose] == 414-15 == shaiḳh ʿalī ḥazīñ aur mirzā kī naṡr kā muqābilah
[comparison of Mirza's and Abu'l-Fazl's prose] == 416-19 == mirzā aur abū'l-faẓl kī naṡr kā muqābilah

[conclusion] == *pp. 420-438*== ḳhātimah

= = = = = = = = = = =

An edition from Nami Press, Kanpur, 1897: on the rekhta.org site.
Another edition, on the rekhta.org site: *Urdu part*; *Persian part*.
The reprint edition from the Utter Pradesh Urdu Academy, 1986: on the rekhta.org site.

There is also a partial, rather subjective translation (including material inserted by the translator) by K. H. Qadiri: Altaf Hussain Hali's Yadgar-e Ghalib (Delhi: Idarah-e Adabiyat-e Delhi, 1990).

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