The nusḳhah-e sherānī or 'Sherani manuscript' of the dīvān-e ġhālib , 1825
(facsimile edition: Lahore: Majlis Taraqqi-e Adab, 1969)
*Prefatory material, including index of ghazals alphabetized by refrain* *ghazals with the refrain alif * *ghazals with the refrains be through mīm * *ghazals with the refrains nūn through he * *ghazals with the refrain ye * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *better reproductions of individual pages that have verse marginalia* *better reproductions of the first ten pages* my original jpg images of the first ten pages: *01*; *02*; *03*; *04*; *05*; *06*; *07*; *08*; *09*; *10*
*Prefatory material, including index of ghazals alphabetized by refrain*
*ghazals with the refrain alif *
*ghazals with the refrains be through mīm *
*ghazals with the refrains nūn through he *
*ghazals with the refrain ye *
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
*better reproductions of individual pages that have verse marginalia*
*better reproductions of the first ten pages*
my original jpg images of the first ten pages:
*01*; *02*; *03*; *04*; *05*; *06*; *07*; *08*; *09*; *10*