x |
Maurya (r.c.268-c.233 BCE): Chandragupta's grandson,
the greatest Maurya king and an effective Buddhist proselytizer (*wiki*).
Conquered by ferocious fighting, his realm includes-- though in a
way (*F.
Smitha*)-- most of India (except the extreme south) and extends
through the whole northeastern part of Afghanistan: *the
Mauryan Empire**. He does a stint
governor in Gandhara before becoming king, and his reign shows Greek
Persian cultural influences. [*Routes*] |
famous pillars: The dozens of
pillars (*DSAL*)
that Ashoka erects (or in some cases inherits from predecessors and
in India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are conspicuously influenced
by those of Persepolis (*Univ.
of Chicago*). On them, and on rocks, he carves his edicts: *access
to insight*. [*Routes*] |
first written records in South Asia: Ashoka's
inscribed rocks and pillars are the first South Asian writing that we
His main language is Magadhi Prakrit, though on some northwestern
he uses Aramaic (the official language of the Persian empire) and even
Greek. His main script is Brahmi (*ancient
scripts*; *omniglot*),
which becomes the ancestor of the main Indian scripts and many
ones (*Eden
Golshani*); but he also sometimes uses Kharoshthi (*ancient
scripts*). |
Barabar cave-temples (c.260) are cut by early Buddhists
the hills near Pataliputra (modern Patna); among them, "Lomas Rishi
is the first one that introduces architectural patterns that later
common (*DSAL*).
[*Routes*] |
Greco-Bactrian kings (c.250-50 BCE): Under Seleukos's
the Seleukid Empire begins to face rebellions. On its eastern border, a
Kingdom* (*grifterrec*)
takes shape, holding power for two centuries in Bactria (Balkh) and the
region of Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. More on such east-west
between India and the western world from the earliest times to the fall
of Rome*, by H. G. Rawlinson [*Routes*] |
Mahabharata: Scholars differ on when the earliest strata
of the great Indian epics begin to develop; the best current consensus
seems to be around this time if not before, with the Mahabharata
somewhat the earlier of the two: *Columbia
Univ.* In its earliest forms, it seems not to have included the
Gita"; *the
India of the Mahabharata*. [*Routes*] |
Ramayana: The earliest strata of this great Indian epic
to develop: *Columbia
Univ.*. Its development continues to the present, with new stories
constantly being told that provide fresh slants on the older material.
Nowadays Rama is still a perfect hero and ideal king to some Indians,
that's no longer a universal opinion; *the
India of the Ramayana*. [*Routes*] |