masjid-e qurt̤ubah
*stanza one*

1) sequence of day and night,
shape-maker of events
= In silsilah there's also the sense of 'lineage',
and other complexities as well (*Platts*)
silsilah-e roz-o-shab , naqsh-gar-e ḥādiṡāt
sequence of day and night,
origin of life and death
silsilah-e roz-o-shab , aṣl-e ḥayāt-o-mamāt
2) sequence of day and night,
two-colored strand of silk
silsilah-e roz-o-shab , tār-e ḥarīr-e do-rang
from which Being makes
its robe of qualities
jis se banātī hai żāt apnī qabā-e ṣifāt
3) sequence of day and night,
wail/lament of the tone/instrument of eternity
silsilah-e roz-o-shab , sāz-e azal kī fiġhāñ
through which Being shows
the treble and bass of possibilities
jis se dikhātī hai żāt zer-o-bam-e mumkināt
= More precisely, azal is the eternity before creation.    
4) this one examines/assays you,
this one examines/assays me,
tujh ko parakhtā hai yih , mujh ko parakhtā hai yih
sequence of day and night--
the Jeweler of Creation
silsilah-e roz-o-shab , ṣerāfī-e kāʾināt
= It's apparently the Jeweler of Creation
who examines the 'sequence of day and night',
the way a jeweler would test the quality of gems.
5) if you would be of low quality,
if I would be of low quality
tū ho agar kam-ʿayār , maiñ hoñ agar kam-ʿayār
death is your assignment,
death is my assignment
maut hai terī barāt , maut hai merī barāt
= This is the Arabic barāt , with no connection
to the Indic one meaning 'wedding procession'.
6) of your night-and-day,
what other reality--
tere shab-o-roz kī aur ḥaqīqat hai kyā
the movement of one age,
in which is neither day nor night
ek zamāne kī rau , jis meñ nah din hai nah rāt !
= The 'sequence of day and night' itself is doomed,
its black and white will blend into a river-like 'flow'
[rau] of time
7) momentary, oblivion-bound, all
the miracles of craftsmanship
ānī-o-fānī tamām muʿjizah'hā-e hunar
the work of the world-- without stability!
the work of the world-- without stability!
kār-e jahāñ be-ṡabāt ! kār-e jahāñ be-ṡabāt !
8) first and last-- oblivion,
inside and outside-- oblivion
avval-o-āḳhir fanā , bāt̤in-o-z̤āhir fanā
whether it be an old shape or new,
the final destination-- oblivion
naqsh-e kuhan ho kih nau , manzil-e āḳhir fanā

*On to stanza two* -- *Masjid-e Qurtubah index page*


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-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --