*stanza two*
.... | ||
1) but in that shape
there is the aspect of eternal stability-- |
magar us naqsh meñ rang-e ṡabāt-e davām |
[that shape] which some man of the Lord would have made complete |
ko kiyā ho kisī mard-e ḳhudā ne tamām |
2) the action of the man
of the Lord-- through passion, the possessor of radiance |
ḳhudā kā ʿamal ʿishq se ṣāḥib-furoġh |
passion is the source/essence of life, for it death is forbidden |
hai aṣl-e ḥayāt , maut hai us par ḥarām |
= The grammar makes it clear that it's the 'action' = 'Passion'is not just romantic love, but rather a kind of
inner |
3) although quick
and light-traveling |
hai garchih zamāne kī rau |
passion itself is a single/unique flood-- |
ḳhvud ik sail hai , sail ko letā hai thām |
= 'Passion' is an irresistible flood that can oppose and even halt the flow of time (compare 1:6). |
4) in the calendar of passion, besides the current/moving age |
kī taqvīm meñ ʿaṣr-e ravāñ ke sivā |
there are other ages too, which have no name |
zamāne bhī haiñ jin kā nahīñ koʾī nām ! |
5) passion the breath of
Gabriel, passion the heart of Mustafa |
dam-e jibraʾīl , ʿishq dil-e muṣt̤afâ |
passion the Lord's prophet, passion the Lord's speech |
ḳhudā kā rasūl , ʿishq ḳhudā kā kalām ! |
= Mustafa ('the Chosen One') is the Prophet | ||
6) from the intoxication
of passion the rose's form is radiant |
kī mastī se hai paikar-e gul tāb-nāk |
passion is new-made wine, passion is the generous cup |
hai ṣahbā-e ḳhām , ʿishq hai kās ul-karām |
= If we read gil , 'clay, earth', instead of gul , 'rose', = Newly made wine is especially powerful and intoxicating. |
7) passion the jurist of
the Ka'bah, passion the leader of the troops |
faqīh-e ḥaram , ʿishq amīr-e junūd |
passion is a son of the road, it has thousands of stopping-places |
hai ibn us-sabīl , us ke hazāroñ muqām ! |
8) from the plectrum
of passion, the tune of the string of life |
ke miẓrāb se naġhmah-e tār-e ḥayāt ! |
from passion the light of life, from passion the fire of life |
se nūr-e ḥayāt , ʿishq se nār-e ḥayāt |
= A plectrum is the pick for a stringed instrument | ||
to stanza three* -- *Masjid-e
Qurtubah index page*
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