masjid-e qurt̤ubah
*stanza four*

1) your beauty and grandeur,
proof of the man of the Lord
terā jamāl-o-jalāl , mard-e ḳhudā kī dalīl
he too, grand and beautiful,
you too, grand and beautiful
vuh bhī jalīl-o-jamīl , tū bhī jalīl-o-jamīl
2) your foundation firm,
your pillars innumerable
terī binā pāʾedār , tere sutūñ be-shumār
as would be, in the desert of Syria,
a grove of date-palms
shām ke ṣaḥrā meñ ho jaise hujūm-e naḳhīl !
3) on your door and roof
the light of the Auspicious Valley
tire dar-o-bām par vādī-e aiman kā nūr
your lofty minaret
the manifestation-place of Gabriel
terā minār-e buland jalvah-gah-e jibraʾīl
= The 'Auspicious Valley' is where the Prophet had
his first divine revelation from the angel Gabriel
4) [he] can never become erased,
the Muslim man, for
miṭ nahīñ saktā kabhī mard-e musalmāñ , kih hai
from his calls to prayer is revealed
the mystery of Moses and Abraham
us kī ażānoñ se fāsh sirr-e kalīm-o-ḳhalīl !

= The mard-e musalmān is definitely masculine;
unlike insān or (in traditional usage) ādmī ,
mard doesn't include women. Iqbal had very little
to say about women, and literally nothing to say
to them (or to non-Muslims, for that matter).

= kalīmullâh , the 'Speaker with God', is Moses;
and ḳhalīlullâh , the 'Friend of God', is Abraham.

5) his land without boundaries,
his horizon without borders
us kī zamīñ be-ḥudūd , us kā afaq be-ṡuġhūr
the waves of his ocean,
the Tigris and the Danube and the Nile
us ke samundar kī mauj , dajlah-o-danyūb-o-nīl !
6) his times are extraordinary,
his stories strange
us ke zamāne ʿajīb , us ke fasāne ġharīb
to the old era he gave
the message of departure
ʿahd-e kuhan ko diyā us ne payām-e raḥīl !
7) cupbearer of the possessors of taste,
horseman of the field of ardor
sāqī-e arbāb-e żauq , fāris-e maidān-e shauq
his wine is pure,
his sword is well-made
bādah hai us kā raḥīq , teġh hai us kī aṣīl !
8) he is a soldier,
his every atom is 'la-ilah'
mard-e sipāhī hai vuh , us kī zarah lā-ilâh
in the shadow of the sword
his refuge is 'la-ilah'
sāyah-e shamshīr meñ us kī panah lā-ilâh
= 'la-ilah' is the beginning of the Muslim
confession of faith, 'There is no God but God,
and Muhammad is the Prophet of God'.

*On to stanza five* -- *Masjid-e Qurtubah index page*


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