masjid-e qurt̤ubah
*stanza five*

1) through you became revealed
the believing servant's mystery
tujh se huʾā āshkār bandah-e momin kā rāz
the burning of his days,
the melting of his nights
us ke dinoñ kī tapish , us kī shaboñ kā gudāz
2) his lofty station,
his noble thought
us kā maqām-e buland , us kā ḳhiyāl-e ʿaz̤īm
his joy, his ardor,
his humility, his coquetry
us kā surūr , us kā shauq , us kā niyāz , us kā nāz
3) God's hand is
the believing servant's hand
hāth hai allâh kā , bandah-e momin kā hāth
conquering and deed-performing,
inventive, effective
ġhālib-o-kār-āfirīñ , kār-kushā , kār-sāz
4) dust- and light-natured,
a servant with masterful qualities
ḳhākī-o-nūrī nihād , bandah-e maulā-ṣifāt
wealthy with all the worlds,
his non-needy heart
har do-jahāñ se ġhanī , us kā dil-e be-niyāz
5) his hopes small,
his goals glorious
us kī ummīdeñ qalīl , us ke maqāṣid jalīl
his manner heart-stealing,
his glance heart-cherishing
us kī adā dil-fareb , us kī nigah dil-navāz
6) gentle at the time of conversation,
fervent at the time of search
narm dam-e guftagū , garm dam-e justajū
whether it be battle or a social gathering,
pure of heart and pure of action
razm ho yā bazm ho , pākdil-o-pākbāz
7) the point of the drawing-compass of Truth,
the belief of the man of the Lord
nuqt̤ah-e parkār-e ḥaq , mard-e ḳhudā kā yaqīñ
the rest of this whole world--
illusion and enchantment and supposition
aur yih ʿālam tamām vahm-o-t̤ilism-o-majāz
8) he is the destination of wisdom,
he is the harvest of passion
ʿaql kī manzil hai vuh , ʿishq kā ḥāṣil hai vuh
in the circle of the horizons
he is the warmth of the gathering
ḥalqah-e āfāq meñ garmī-e maḥfil hai vuh

*On to stanza six* -- *Masjid-e Qurtubah index page*


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