masjid-e qurt̤ubah
*stanza six*

1) Ka'bah of the possessors of skill!
majesty of faith made visible!
kaʿbah-e arbāb-e fan ! sit̤vat-e dīn-e mubīñ !
through you, of the rank of a holy place
[is] the Andalusians' land
tujh se ḥaram-martabat añdlusiyoñ kī zamīñ
2) if beneath the celestial sphere
there is your equal in beauty
hai tah-e girdūñ agar ḥusn meñ terī naz̤īr
it is in the heart of a Muslim
and is nowhere else
qalb-e musalmāñ meñ hai aur nahīñ hai kahīñ !
3) ah! those men of Truth!
those Arab chevaliers!
āh vuh mardān-e ḥaq ! vuh ʿarabī shah-savār !
bearers of "the noble nature,"
possessors of righteousness and faith
ḥāmil-e " ḳhulq-e ʿaz̤īm " , ṣāḥib-e ṣidq-o-yaqīñ

= 'The noble nature' is that of the Prophet; the phrase
is from the Qur'an, Surah al-Qalam, 4:68

4) through whose governance is revealed
this strange mystery
jin kī ḥukūmat se hai fāsh yih ramz-e ġharīb
the kingship of the people of the heart
is abstemiousness, it is not royal
sult̤anat-e ahl-e dil faqr hai , shāhī nahīñ !
5) whose glances trained
the East and the West
jin kī nigāhoñ ne kī tarbiyat-e sharq-o-ġharb
in the darkness of Europe,
whose wisdom was road-seeing
z̤ulmat-e yūrup meñ thī jin kī ḳhirad rāh-bīñ
6) by means of whose blood
still today the Andalusians are
jin kī lahū kī t̤ufail āj bhī haiñ añdlusī
glad-hearted and warmly congenial,
simple and bright-faced
ḳhvush-dil-o-garm-iḳhtilāt̤ , sādah-o-raushan-jabīñ
7) still today, in that country,
gazelle-eyes are common
āj bhī us des meñ ʿām hai chashm-e ġhazāl
and the arrows of glances
still today are heart-piercing
aur nigāhoñ ke tīr āj bhī haiñ dil-nashīñ
8) the scent of Yemen, still today, is in its breezes
bū-e yaman āj bhī us ki havāʾoñ meñ hai !
the color/mood of the Hijaz, still today, is in its tunes/voices  
rang-e ḥijāz āj bhī us kī navāʾoñ meñ hai !

*On to stanza seven* -- *Masjid-e Qurtubah index page*


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