


be-tāb jī ko dekhā dil ko kabāb dekhā
jīte rahe the kyūñ ham jo yih ʿażāb dekhā

1) we saw the inner-self restless, we saw the heart [as] a kabab
2) why had we remained living, {when we / since we / if we / we who} saw this torment/torture?



jo : 'Who, which, that, what'. (Platts p.393)

jo : 'When (= jab )'. (Platts p.393)

jo : 'If, if that, that; in that, inasmuch, since'. (Platts p.393)


ʿażāb : 'Punishment, chastisement; pain, torture, torment; martyrdom (met.) difficulty, painful or troublesome affair or event, distressing affair'. (Platts p.759)

S. R. Faruqi:

The first line is weak-- or rather, it's very weak. But in the second line there are several meanings. (1) Why did we remain living in order to see this torment? (2) When we saw torments like this, then it's surprising-- how did we remain alive? (3) Why did we remain alive, since we saw such torments?



What SRF is pointing to in the second line is largely a function of the excellently useful complexity of jo . It's not for nothing that Platts gives the word three separate definitions (shown above). That is, it can have the full range of possibilities of kih (for which it often seems to be a substitute), and can also act as a relative pronoun.


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