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dhun'nā : 'To beat, pummel (e.g. sir dhun'nā ); to make strenuous effort, to wrack (the brains)'. (Platts p.549)
patangā : 'A flying insect; moth; grasshopper; a spark (of fire), a live coal'. (Platts p.225)
iltimās karnā : 'To petition, beseech, entreat, supplicate, request, represent humbly'. (Platts p.74)
TERMS == AMBIGUITY; INSHA'IYAHThe expression 'to beat the head' [sar dhun'nā] is so graphically physical a gesture that it's easy to believe in its versatility. Platts assigns it the sense of 'striving', which doesn't seem very plausible here. SRF offers not only the cross-culturally plausible sense of 'to suffer grief', but also the counterintuitive one of 'to experience ecstasy'. Both of these possibilities work well in the context.
The mysterious mood that SRF talks about is certainly there, based on the primary reading (2a). But in view of the complex grammar of kyā , the exclamatory reading (2b) is also quite possible. On this reading the second line is still insha'iyah, and it still gives no clue about the nature of the Moth's petition, but rather than a hushed murmur of mystery it's a vigorous exclamation of astonishment. And in either case, we're left to 'fill in' for ourselves first the existence (if any) and nature of the Moth's communication with the candle, and then the nature of the candle's resulting emotion.
It reminds me of a verse from one of Iqbal's best ghazals:
dam-e t̤auf kirmak-e shamʿa ne yih kahā kih vuh aṡar-e kuhan
nah tirī ḥikayat-e soz meñ nah mirī ḥadīṡ-e gudāz meñ[at the time of circumambulation, the Moth said this: 'tThat former effect
is neither in the story of your burning, nor in the account of my melting']That kind of devastating remark might well cause a candle grief! But of course, Iqbal's Moth said it while he was in the very act of flying around the candle-- so perhaps his performance was more traditional than his words? And in addition, he was complaining about literary descriptions (a 'story' and an 'account'), not behavior. So Iqbal too, in his own way, left the real relationship of the candle and the Moth to our imagination.