


aise va;hshii kahaa;N hai;N ai ;xuubaa;N
miir ko tum ((aba;s udaas kiyaa

1) where are there such wild ones, oh beautiful ones?
2) you made Mir dispirited/dejected, to no purpose



va;hshii : 'Wild, untamed; shy; unsociable; —uncultivated; uncivilized, barbarous; savage; untractable; fierce, ferocious; brutish; cruel; —s.m. A wild beast; a brute; a savage'. (Platts p.1183)


((aba;s : 'In vain, uselessly, bootlessly, idly, absurdly'. (Platts p.758)


udaas : 'Indifferent (to, - se ), unconcerned, apathetic; unsettled in mind; retired, lone, solitary; forlorn, dejected, sad, sorrowful; dull, dispirited, cast-down; grieved, displeased (with); sullen, cross; not bright, dull, sombre, faded'. (Platts p.31)

S. R. Faruqi:

For a wild man to burst out [bha;Raknaa] is common; for a wild man to become 'dispirited/dejected' is rare. If anyone made a wild man dispirited, then unquestionably that person would have practiced some uncommon cruelty toward him. And this cruelty can't be unkindness or inattentiveness, because the very quality of a wild man is that if people pay attention to him, then he bursts out. Therefore in order to make him dispirited, some sort of treatment must have been used that would be even more murderous and heart-paining than unkindness and inattentiveness.

From 'such a wild man' it appears that in him, in addition to wildness there are other qualities as well, or perhaps his wildness itself is of some uncommon order, as it is in this verse from the third divan:




SRF points to one aspect of the verse. His reading also suggests that among the special qualities of Mir might be that he didn't even need to be tormented-- he'd run wild all by himself, so that to torment him is an unnecessary waste of energy.

SRF's citation of {957,7} also suggests another aspect: 'You foolish beloveds, why destroy one of your best, rarest, highest-quality mad lovers? Don't you know that he belongs to a vanishing species, and others of his pure breed are hard to come by?' This reproachful, even exasperated, sense seems particularly close to the heart of the verse.

Since va;hshii means 'uncivilized, fierce, cruel' (see the definition above), perhaps it could even be used to upbraid the beautiful beloveds themselves ('Who is as brutally cruel as you? Are there any wild animals as vicious as you?'). After all, they've tortured Mir to the point of 'dejection'-- and all 'in vain, for nothing, to no purpose', since they weren't even treating him as a potential lover, to be tested and afflicted as a form of trial. They were just tormenting him viciously for the hell of it, it seems.

Note for grammar fans: Another verse with a flagrantly omitted ne . But as always, the effect of the invisible ne on verb agreement remains in force.