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kullī : 'Universal, all, entire, total; every; complete; general, common, generic'. (Platts p.845)
paidā : 'Discovered, manifested, manifest, exhibited; procured, acquired, earned, gained'. (Platts p.298)
TERMS == ENTANGLEMENTThe term 'enjambment' is usually used in English criticism for verses in which single lines are semantically incomplete, and a sentence takes two (or more) lines to be fully expressed. A substantial majority of ghazal lines are 'end-stopped' or semantically complete, but by no means all of them. It's quite easy to find examples of enjambment in the work of all the classical poets, as SRF says, and most certainly in Ghalib and Mir. It's hard to believe that Azad wouldn't have known this. So why would he make such a fuss over it? As with so many aspects of Azad's anecdotes in āb-e ḥayāt , it's impossible to figure out which of his various hidden agendas might have been operative. For further discussion of such 'entanglement of words'[taʿqīd-e lafz̤ī], see {183,12}.
And in this particular verse, as SRF notes, we don't even need to postulate enjambment. Why shouldn't there be a 'universal' rule that applies always and forever in the 'street of love'? I don't see why 'in the street of love' can't be read just as well with the first line as with the second.
In any case, the whole picky business of finding small 'flaws' in the work of the classical Ustads is a very odd and futile pursuit. Who has the authority to go around identifying 'flaws' in Mir's poetry? And who cares, anyway? Poetry either works or it doesn't; if it works, it laughs at nuktah-chīnī , and if it doesn't, no amount of rule-following will redeem it.