


kal shab-e hijrāñ thī lab pah nālah bīmārānah thā
shām se tā ṣubḥ-dam bālīñ pah sar yak-jā nah thā

1) last night was the night of separation; on the lip, the lament was sick-ish
2) from evening to the crack of dawn, on the pillow the head was not in one place



S. R. Faruqi:

In the second line, to depict the mood of restlessness he's used a very fine image. In the whole verse the style of realism is dominant. If there was lamentation, then it was in a weak voice, like that of sick people; and if there was head-beating, then instead of the exaggerated mood of beating the head against the wall, he sometimes turned his head this way, sometimes that way, on the pillow.

If it's considered in a traditional style, then it seems that he's made plain the condition of weakness. But not from a single word does a straightforward reference to weakness emerge. The 'implications' are very fine.



I can't think of anything special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --