


muñh kī jhalak se yār ke be-hosh ho gaʾe
shab ham ko mīr partav-e mahtāb le gayā

1) from the radiance of the beloved's face, we became unconscious
2) last night, Mir, a ray of the moon bore us away



jhalak : 'Brightness, radiance, glare, glitter, sparkle, lustre, splendour, refulgence, reflection (of light)'. (Platts p.406)


māh-tāb : 'Moonlight, moonshine; —s.m. The moon; —(met.) the face of a mistress'. (Platts p.987)

S. R. Faruqi:

In this verse there's nothing special; it's only been put in to complete the number of three verses [that is, the minimum number that SRF likes to choose to represent a whole ghazal in SSA]. Nevertheless, the 'implication' in the second line is fine. It's possible that he might not have seen the beloved's face; rather, he might have taken the moon to be the beloved's face. The second point is that in the moonlight the Paris come down and fly off with the sons of Adam; ideas like this are found in stories [qiṣṣah kahānī].

Then, it's also enjoyable to construe losing consciousness at the radiance of the beloved's face as taking leave of one's senses at the effects of a ray of moonlight. Madness has some relationship with the waxing and waning of the moon; people of ancient times knew this. This suggestion is present in the verse.

But it's entirely possible that the present verse has been established on the basis of these famous verses of the masnavi ḳhvāb-o-ḳhayāl-e mīr :

naz̤ar rāt ko chāñd par gir paṛī
kih goyā kih bijlī-sī dil par paṛī

mah-e chār-dah kār-e ātish kare
ḍarūñ yāñ talak maiñ kih jī ġhash kare

tavahhum kā baiṭhā jo naqsh-e durust
lagī hone vasvās se jān sust

naz̤ar āʾī ik shakl mah-tāb meñ
kamī āʾī jis se ḳhur-o-ḳhvāb meñ

[the gaze, at night, fell on the moon
it was as if something like lightning fell on the heart

that the [full] fourteen-day moon would do the work of fire--
I would even fear that my inner-self would faint

when an appropriate image of imagination settled in,
then, through distractedness, my life began to fail

there came into view a form in the moon
through which there came about a deficiency in eating and sleeping]



It's an 'A,B' verse, which is what makes possible the enjoyable ambiguities that SRF discusses. Does the first line describe one event, and the second line another? If so, does one precede and/or cause the other, and which way does the progression go? Or do they both describe the same event? We're left entirely on our own, to decide these questions-- and in fact to decide them afresh, each time we look at the verse.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --